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There are 11 words containing ASOCHI

MASOCHISMmasochism n. The enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation.
MASOCHISM n. the derivation of sexual gratification from the suffering of pain.
MASOCHISTmasochist n. Someone who enjoys pain or humiliation, or who derives pleasure from harming oneself or being harmed by others.
MASOCHIST n. one who derives sexual gratification from the suffering of pain.
MASOCHISMSmasochisms n. Plural of masochism.
MASOCHISM n. the derivation of sexual gratification from the suffering of pain.
MASOCHISTSmasochists n. Plural of masochist.
MASOCHIST n. one who derives sexual gratification from the suffering of pain.
MASOCHISTICmasochistic adj. Deriving (especially sexual) pleasure from abuse, being punished, or dominated.
MASOCHISTIC adj. relating to masochism.
SADOMASOCHISMsadomasochism n. The practices of sadism and masochism collectively, usually in reference to consensual practices within…
sadomasochism n. Sadism and masochism: the (often sexual) enjoyment by one person of both inflicting and receiving pain.
sado-masochism n. Alternative spelling of sadomasochism.
SADOMASOCHISTsadomasochist n. A person who enjoys both inflicting and receiving pain for sexual gratification.
sadomasochist adj. Sadomasochistic.
SADOMASOCHIST n. one who derives sexual pleasure from inflicting pain.
SADOMASOCHISMSsadomasochisms n. (Rare) plural of sadomasochism.
SADOMASOCHISM n. the derivation of pleasure from the infliction of physical or mental pain either on others or on oneself.
SADOMASOCHISTSsadomasochists n. Plural of sadomasochist.
SADOMASOCHIST n. one who derives sexual pleasure from inflicting pain.
MASOCHISTICALLYmasochistically adv. In a masochistic manner.
MASOCHISTIC adv. relating to masochism.
SADOMASOCHISTICsadomasochistic adj. Of or relating to sadomasochism or sadomasochists.
SADOMASOCHISTIC adj. relating to sadomasochism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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