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There are 18 words containing ARTNER

PARTNERpartner n. One of each halves of a pair of someone or something that belongs together.
partner n. Someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest.
partner n. (Nautical) One of the pieces of wood comprising the framework which strengthens the deck of a wooden…
PARTNERSpartners n. Plural of partner.
partners v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of partner.
PARTNER v. to join with in a common interest.
COPARTNERcopartner n. A joint partner (in a business).
copartner v. To form a joint partnership with somebody.
COPARTNER n. one who is jointly concerned with one or more persons in business.
PARTNEREDpartnered v. Simple past tense and past participle of partner.
PARTNER v. to join with in a common interest.
COPARTNERScopartners n. Plural of copartner.
COPARTNER v. to act as a copartner.
COPARTNERYcopartnery n. The state of being copartners in any undertaking.
COPARTNERY n. the state of being copartners in any undertaking.
PARTNERINGpartnering v. Present participle of partner.
partnering n. The formation of a partnership.
PARTNERING n. the act of associating with in some activity of common interest.
COPARTNEREDcopartnered v. Simple past tense and past participle of copartner.
COPARTNER v. to act as a copartner.
PARTNERINGSpartnerings n. Plural of partnering.
PARTNERING n. the act of associating with in some activity of common interest.
PARTNERLESSpartnerless adj. Without a partner.
PARTNERLESS adj. without a partner.
PARTNERSHIPpartnership n. The state of being associated with a partner.
partnership n. An association of two or more people to conduct a business.
partnership n. (Cricket) The period when two specific batsmen are batting, from the fall of one wicket until the fall…
COPARTNERIEScopartneries n. Plural of copartnery.
COPARTNERY n. the state of being copartners in any undertaking.
COPARTNERINGcopartnering v. Present participle of copartner.
COPARTNER v. to act as a copartner.
PARTNERSHIPSpartnerships n. Plural of partnership.
PARTNERSHIP n. the state of being a partner.
COPARTNERSHIPcopartnership n. The state of being a copartner or of having a joint interest in any matter.
copartnership n. A partnership or firm.
COPARTNERSHIP n. the state of being a copartner.
KINDERGARTNERkindergartner n. A child who attends a kindergarten.
kindergartner n. (Rare) A person who teaches at a kindergarten.
KINDERGARTNER n. a teacher at a kindergarten, also KINDERGARTENER.
COPARTNERSHIPScopartnerships n. Plural of copartnership.
COPARTNERSHIP n. the state of being a copartner.
KINDERGARTNERSkindergartners n. Plural of kindergartner.
KINDERGARTNER n. a teacher at a kindergarten, also KINDERGARTENER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 112 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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