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There are 16 words containing ARGENT

ARGENTargent n. (Archaic) The metal silver.
argent n. (Heraldry) The white or silver tincture on a coat of arms.
argent n. (Obsolete, poetic) Whiteness; anything that is white.
ARGENTSargents n. Plural of argent.
ARGENT n. silver.
MARGENTmargent n. (Obsolete, poetic) margin; edge.
margent v. (Obsolete, transitive) To note in the margin.
MARGENT v. to provide with a border, also MARGIN.
ARGENTALargental adj. Of silver.
ARGENTAL adj. of or pertaining to silver.
ARGENTICargentic adj. Of, pertaining to or containing silver.
argentic adj. (Chemistry) Of certain compounds, containing silver in a lower proportion than in argentous compounds.
ARGENTIC adj. containing silver in lower valency.
ARGENTUMARGENTUM n. (Latin) silver.
MARGENTSmargents n. Plural of margent.
MARGENT v. to provide with a border, also MARGIN.
ARGENTINEargentine adj. Containing or resembling silver.
argentine n. Any osmeriform fish of the genus Argentina, especially European argentine (Argentina sphyraena).
argentine n. (Mineralogy) A siliceous variety of calcite, or lime carbonate, having a silvery-white, pearly lustre…
ARGENTITEargentite n. (Mineralogy) Silver sulfide, (Ag2S), a primary ore of silver, in cubic or hexoctahedral crystals.
ARGENTITE n. a native sulphide of silver, aka silver glance.
ARGENTOUSargentous adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing silver.
argentous adj. (Chemistry) Of certain compounds, containing silver in a higher proportion than in argentic compounds.
ARGENTOUS adj. of or containing silver in the monovalent state.
ARGENTUMSARGENTUM n. (Latin) silver.
MARGENTEDmargented v. Simple past tense and past participle of margent.
MARGENT v. to provide with a border, also MARGIN.
ARGENTINESargentines n. Plural of argentine.
Argentines n. Plural of Argentine.
ARGENTINE n. a small marine fish with silvery sides.
ARGENTITESargentites n. Plural of argentite.
ARGENTITE n. a native sulphide of silver, aka silver glance.
MARGENTINGmargenting v. Present participle of margent.
MARGENT v. to provide with a border, also MARGIN.
ARGENTIFEROUSargentiferous adj. (Geology) Containing or producing silver.
ARGENTIFEROUS adj. bearing silver e.g. galena.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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