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There are 10 words containing ARCHIV

ARCHIVALarchival adj. Of or pertaining to an archive or archiving.
archival adj. Of a material: having a quality suited to the conservational needs of archiving.
archival n. (Uncountable) The practice of storing items in an archive; archiving; (countable) an instance of this.
ARCHIVALLYarchivally adv. By archival means.
archivally adv. In archival terms.
ARCHIVEarchive n. A place for storing earlier, and often historical, material. An archive usually contains documents (Letters…
archive n. The material so kept, considered as a whole (compare archives).
archive n. (Ecology) Natural deposits of material, regarded as a record of environmental changes over time.
ARCHIVEDarchived v. Simple past tense and past participle of archive.
archived adj. Having been placed into an archive.
ARCHIVE v. to file in an archive.
ARCHIVESarchives n. Plural of archive.
archives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of archive.
ARCHIVE v. to file in an archive.
ARCHIVINGarchiving v. Present participle of archive.
ARCHIVE v. to file in an archive.
ARCHIVISTarchivist n. One who is in charge of, or performs the task of creating, collecting, cataloguing, organising, and archives.
ARCHIVIST n. one who keeps an archive.
ARCHIVISTSarchivists n. Plural of archivist.
ARCHIVIST n. one who keeps an archive.
ARCHIVOLTarchivolt n. (Architecture) An ornamental molding or band following the curve on the underside of an arch.
ARCHIVOLT n. a curved moulding on the face of an arch.
ARCHIVOLTSarchivolts n. Plural of archivolt.
ARCHIVOLT n. a curved moulding on the face of an arch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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