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There are 18 words containing ARCHER

ARCHERarcher n. One who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow.
archer n. (Historical, obsolete) The bishop in chess.
archer adj. Comparative form of arch: more arch.
ARCHERSarchers n. Plural of archer.
ARCHER n. someone who uses a bow and arrow.
ARCHERYarchery n. (Uncountable) The practice or sport of shooting arrows with a bow.
archery n. (Countable) A group of archers.
ARCHERY n. the sport of shooting with bows and arrows.
MARCHERmarcher n. (Historical) An inhabitant of a march (border country); specifically, a marcher lord.
marcher n. (Historical) A border territory, a march (now only in (attributive) use).
marcher n. One who marches; one who participates in a march.
MARCHERSmarchers n. Plural of marcher.
MARCHER n. one that marches.
SEARCHERsearcher n. One who searches.
searcher n. (UK, historical) An officer in London appointed to examine the bodies of the dead, and report the cause of death.
searcher n. (UK, historical) An officer who apprehended idlers on the street during church hours in Scotland.
STARCHERstarcher n. One who starches.
Starcher prop.n. A surname.
STARCHER n. one who starches.
ARCHERESSarcheress n. A female archer.
ARCHERESS n. (archaic) a female archer.
ARCHERIESarcheries n. Plural of archery.
ARCHERY n. the sport of shooting with bows and arrows.
SEARCHERSsearchers n. Plural of searcher.
SEARCHER n. one that searches.
STARCHERSstarchers n. Plural of starcher.
Starchers prop.n. Plural of Starcher.
STARCHER n. one who starches.
ARCHERFISHarcherfish n. Any of the species of fish in the family Toxotidae (sole genus Toxotes), who prey on small animals near…
ARCHERFISH n. a kind of fish that shoots a jet of water to knock down insects.
RESEARCHERresearcher n. One who researches.
RESEARCHER n. one who does research.
ARCHERESSESarcheresses n. Plural of archeress.
ARCHERESS n. (archaic) a female archer.
RESEARCHERSresearchers n. Plural of researcher.
RESEARCHER n. one who does research.
ARCHERFISHESarcherfishes n. Plural of archerfish.
ARCHERFISH n. a kind of fish that shoots a jet of water to knock down insects.
CORESEARCHERcoresearcher n. A joint researcher; one engaged in the same research.
CORESEARCHER n. a joint researcher.
CORESEARCHERScoresearchers n. Plural of coresearcher.
CORESEARCHER n. a joint researcher.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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