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There are 13 words containing APILLO

PAPILLOMApapilloma n. (Pathology, oncology) An epithelial tumour, usually benign, with the appearance of a papilla.
PAPILLOMA n. a tumour formed by hypertrophy of a papilla or papillae, such as a wart, etc.
PAPILLOMASpapillomas n. Plural of papilloma.
PAPILLOMA n. a tumour formed by hypertrophy of a papilla or papillae, such as a wart, etc.
PAPILLOMATApapillomata n. Plural of papilloma.
PAPILLOMA n. a tumour formed by hypertrophy of a papilla or papillae, such as a wart, etc.
PAPILLOMATOSESpapillomatoses n. Plural of papillomatosis.
PAPILLOMATOSIS n. the condition of having papillomata.
PAPILLOMATOSISpapillomatosis n. (Pathology) the presence of papillomas.
PAPILLOMATOSIS n. the condition of having papillomata.
PAPILLOMATOUSpapillomatous adj. Having papillomae.
PAPILLOMATOUS adj. of or like a papilloma.
PAPILLOMAVIRUSpapillomavirus n. (Virology) Any variety of virus which causes warts.
PAPILLOMAVIRUS n. any of a genus of double-stranded DNA viruses that cause papillomas and are sometimes associated with human cancers of the genital tract and esp. of the cervix.
PAPILLONpapillon n. (Sometimes capitalized) A small dog of a certain breed having large ears.
PAPILLON n. (French) a breed of toy spaniel with erect ears.
PAPILLONSpapillons n. Plural of papillon.
PAPILLON n. (French) a breed of toy spaniel with erect ears.
PAPILLOSEpapillose adj. (Botany) Bearing, covered with or resembling papillae.
PAPILLOSE adj. covered with papules or papillae, also PAPILLOUS.
PAPILLOTEpapillote n. (Cooking) A small piece of aluminum foil or parchment paper, wrapped around food during cooking.
papillote n. (Hair styling, often in the plural) A small piece of paper used to roll up hair to make it curl; a curly lock.
PAPILLOTE n. (French) a paper frill decorating the end of a cutlet or other bone.
PAPILLOTESpapillotes n. Plural of papillote.
PAPILLOTE n. (French) a paper frill decorating the end of a cutlet or other bone.
PAPILLOUSpapillous adj. Alternative form of papillose.
PAPILLOUS adj. covered with papules or papillae, also PAPILLOSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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