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There are 7 words containing APIENT

SAPIENTsapient adj. Attempting to appear wise or discerning.
sapient adj. (Dated) Possessing wisdom and discernment; wise, learned.
sapient adj. (Chiefly science fiction) Of a species or life-form, possessing intelligence or self-awareness.
SAPIENTSsapients n. Plural of sapient.
SAPIENT n. a wise person.
SAPIENTLYsapiently adv. In a sapient manner.
SAPIENT adv. wise.
SAPIENTIALsapiential adj. Possessing or conferring wisdom, especially religious wisdom.
SAPIENTIAL adj. providing wisdom.
USUCAPIENTusucapient n. One who acquires right or title through usucaption.
USUCAPIENT n. a person who claims and holds by usucapion, the acquisition of a property through long usage.
USUCAPIENTSusucapients n. Plural of usucapient.
USUCAPIENT n. a person who claims and holds by usucapion, the acquisition of a property through long usage.
SAPIENTIALLYsapientially adv. In a sapiential manner.
SAPIENTIAL adv. providing wisdom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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