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There are 14 words containing ANONIC

CANONICcanonic adj. Canonical.
CANONIC adj. included in the scriptural canon; relating to any (sets of) sacred books regarded as authentic, also CANONICAL.
CANONICALcanonical adj. Present in a canon, religious or otherwise.
canonical adj. According to recognised or orthodox rules.
canonical adj. Stated or used in the most basic and straightforwardly applicable manner.
UNCANONICuncanonic adj. Uncanonical.
UNCANONIC adj. not canonical, also UNCANONICAL.
CANONICALScanonicals n. Plural of canonical.
canonicals n. The dress prescribed by canon to be worn by a clergyman when officiating.
CANONICALS n. the official dress of the clergy.
CANONICATEcanonicate n. The office of a canon; a canonry.
CANONICATE n. the rank or office of a canon.
CANONICITYcanonicity n. The degree to which something is canonical.
CANONICITY n. the state of being canonical.
CANONICALLYcanonically adv. In a canonical manner.
CANONICAL adv. included in a standard set of works, also CANONIC.
CANONICATEScanonicates n. Plural of canonicate.
CANONICATE n. the rank or office of a canon.
UNCANONICALuncanonical adj. Not canonical.
UNCANONICAL adj. not canonical, also UNCANONIC.
CANONICITIEScanonicities n. Plural of canonicity.
CANONICITY n. the state of being canonical.
NONCANONICALnoncanonical adj. Not canonical.
non-canonical adj. Alternative spelling of noncanonical.
UNCANONICALLYuncanonically adv. In an uncanonical way.
EXTRACANONICALextracanonical adj. Outside of canon.
EXTRACANONICAL adj. not part of the canon of the Bible.
UNCANONICALNESSuncanonicalness n. The quality of not being canonical.
UNCANONICALNESS n. the state of being uncanonical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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