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There are 13 words containing ANDARI

BANDARIbandari n. A kind of music originating from the Iranian side of the Persian Gulf.
BANDARI n. (Hindi) a female monkey, or a cheeky girl.
BANDARISBANDARI n. (Hindi) a female monkey, or a cheeky girl.
MANDARINmandarin n. (Historical) A high government bureaucrat of the Chinese Empire.
mandarin n. A pedantic or elitist bureaucrat.
mandarin n. (Often derogatory) A pedantic senior person of influence in academia or literary circles.
MANDARINATEmandarinate n. (Obsolete) The status of holding a position as a mandarin.
mandarinate n. The collective body of mandarins.
mandarinate n. A political form of rule by mandarins.
MANDARINATESmandarinates n. Plural of mandarinate.
MANDARINATE n. the rank or office of a mandarin.
MANDARINEmandarine n. Alternative spelling of mandarin (“citrus fruit”).
MANDARINE n. a small orange of Chinese origin.
MANDARINESmandarines n. Plural of mandarine.
MANDARINE n. a small orange of Chinese origin.
MANDARINICmandarinic adj. Appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin.
MANDARINIC adj. appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin.
MANDARINISMmandarinism n. A government of mandarins; character or spirit of the mandarins.
MANDARINISM n. the state of being a mandarin.
MANDARINISMSmandarinisms n. Plural of mandarinism.
MANDARINISM n. the state of being a mandarin.
MANDARINSmandarins n. Plural of mandarin.
MANDARIN n. a member of one of nine ranks of public officials in the Chinese Empire.
PANDARINGpandaring v. Present participle of pandar.
PANDAR v. to act as a procurer of sexual favours, also PANDER.
QUANDARIESquandaries n. Plural of quandary.
QUANDARY n. a state of perplexity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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