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There are 17 words containing AMINAR

LAMINARlaminar adj. Of fluid motion, smooth and regular, flowing as though in different layers.
laminar adj. In, or consisting of, thin plates or layers.
LAMINAR adj. pertaining to a lamina, also LAMINARY.
LAMINARYlaminary adj. Laminar.
LAMINARY adj. pertaining to a lamina, also LAMINAR.
LAMINARIAlaminaria n. Any of the genus Laminaria of brown algae.
Laminaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Laminariaceae – certain brown algae.
LAMINARIA n. a genus of large seaweeds with long and broad fronds, aka tangle.
LAMINARINlaminarin n. (Biochemistry) A glucan produced by some brown algae.
LAMINARIN n. a polysaccharide found in various brown algae.
LAMINARIANlaminarian adj. Relating to seaweeds of the genus Laminaria, or to the depth zone of the sea in which they grow.
laminarian n. Any seaweed of the genus Laminaria.
LAMINARIAN n. a brown seaweed.
LAMINARIASlaminarias n. Plural of laminaria.
LAMINARIA n. a genus of large seaweeds with long and broad fronds, aka tangle.
LAMINARINSlaminarins n. Plural of laminarin.
LAMINARIN n. a polysaccharide found in various brown algae.
LAMINARISElaminarise v. Alternative form of laminarize.
LAMINARISE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARIZE.
LAMINARIZElaminarize v. (Physics, of a turbulent flow) To become laminar.
LAMINARIZE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARISE.
LAMINARIANSlaminarians n. Plural of laminarian.
LAMINARIAN n. a brown seaweed.
LAMINARISEDlaminarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of laminarise.
LAMINARISE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARIZE.
LAMINARISESlaminarises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of laminarise.
LAMINARISE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARIZE.
LAMINARIZEDlaminarized v. Simple past tense and past participle of laminarize.
LAMINARIZE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARISE.
LAMINARIZESlaminarizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of laminarize.
LAMINARIZE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARISE.
INTERLAMINARinterlaminar adj. Occurring between layers.
interlaminar adj. (Anatomy) Between the ectoderm and the endoderm.
INTERLAMINAR adj. between layers.
LAMINARISINGlaminarising v. Present participle of laminarise.
LAMINARISE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARIZE.
LAMINARIZINGlaminarizing v. Present participle of laminarize.
LAMINARIZE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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