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There are 12 words containing ALARIA

MALARIAmalaria n. A disease spread by mosquito, in which a protozoan, Plasmodium, multiplies in blood every few days.
malaria n. (Archaic) Supposed poisonous air arising from marshy districts, once thought to cause fever.
MALARIA n. an infectious tropical disease.
TALARIAtalaria n. (Greek mythology, Roman mythology) The winged sandals worn by certain gods and goddesses, especially…
TALARIA n. (Latin) small wings or winged shoes represented as fastened to the ankles, chiefly used as an attribute of Mercury or Hermes.
MALARIALmalarial adj. Of, relating to, or infected by malaria.
malarial n. A person who has malaria.
MALARIAL adj. relating to malaria, also MALARIAN, MALARIOUS.
MALARIANmalarian adj. (Dated) Relating to malaria; malarial.
MALARIAN adj. relating to malaria, also MALARIAL, MALARIOUS.
MALARIASmalarias n. Plural of malaria.
MALARIA n. an infectious tropical disease.
SALARIATsalariat n. (Economics) Salary earners as a class or group, often as opposed to wage earners.
SALARIAT n. (French) the class of salaried persons.
SALARIATSsalariats n. Plural of salariat.
SALARIAT n. (French) the class of salaried persons.
CROTALARIAcrotalaria n. (Botany) Any of the genus Crotalaria of herbaceous plants and woody shrubs.
Crotalaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – the rattlepods, of Africa.
CROTALARIA n. any plant of the sunn hemp genus Crotalaria.
ANTIMALARIAantimalaria adj. Acting to relieve or prevent a malaria infection.
ANTIMALARIA adj. of a drug, used to combat malaria, also ANTIMALARIAL.
CROTALARIAScrotalarias n. Plural of crotalaria.
CROTALARIA n. any plant of the sunn hemp genus Crotalaria.
ANTIMALARIALantimalarial n. An agent that prevents or counteracts malaria.
antimalarial adj. Preventing or counteracting malaria.
ANTIMALARIAL adj. effective against malaria, also ANTIMALARIA.
ANTIMALARIALSantimalarials n. Plural of antimalarial.
ANTIMALARIAL n. a drug used to treat malaria.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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