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There are 10 words containing AGONIT

ARAGONITEaragonite n. (Mineralogy) An evaporite consisting of anhydrous calcium carbonate with the chemical formula CaCO3
ARAGONITE n. an orthorhombic mineral composed of calcium carbonate, also ARRAGONITE.
ARAGONITESaragonites n. Plural of aragonite.
ARAGONITE n. an orthorhombic mineral composed of calcium carbonate, also ARRAGONITE.
ARAGONITICaragonitic adj. (Geology) Of, pertaining to, or formed from aragonite.
ARAGONITIC adj. of or like aragonite, an orthorhombic mineral composed of calcium carbonate, also ARRAGONITIC.
ARRAGONITEarragonite n. Alternative form of aragonite.
ARRAGONITE n. an orthorhombic mineral composed of calcium carbonate, also ARAGONITE.
PALAGONITEpalagonite n. (Mineralogy) A material similar to basalt formed by the action of water on volcanic ash.
PALAGONITE n. an altered vitreous basic lava.
PARAGONITEparagonite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral related to muscovite.
PARAGONITE n. a kind of mica related to muscovite, but containing soda instead of potash.
ARRAGONITESarragonites n. Plural of arragonite.
ARRAGONITE n. an orthorhombic mineral composed of calcium carbonate, also ARAGONITE.
ARRAGONITICARRAGONITIC adj. of or like aragonite, an orthorhombic mineral composed of calcium carbonate, also ARAGONITIC.
PALAGONITESpalagonites n. Plural of palagonite.
PALAGONITE n. an altered vitreous basic lava.
PARAGONITESparagonites n. Plural of paragonite.
PARAGONITE n. a kind of mica related to muscovite, but containing soda instead of potash.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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