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There are 14 words containing ADIATO

DIGLADIATORDIGLADIATOR n. one who fights with swords.
DIGLADIATORSDIGLADIATOR n. one who fights with swords.
GLADIATORgladiator n. (In ancient Rome) A person (professional or slave) who entertained the public by engaging in mortal…
gladiator n. (By extension) A disputant in a public controversy or debate.
gladiator n. A professional boxer.
GLADIATORIALgladiatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a gladiator.
GLADIATORIAL adj. of or like a gladiator, also GLADIATORIAN, GLADIATORY.
GLADIATORIANgladiatorian adj. (Dated) Of or relating to gladiators or to combat in general; gladiatorial.
GLADIATORIAN adj. (obsolete) of or like a gladiator, also GLADIATORIAL, GLADIATORY.
GLADIATORSgladiators n. Plural of gladiator.
gladiators v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gladiator.
GLADIATOR n. in ancient Rome, a professional combatant with men or wild animals in the arena.
GLADIATORSHIPgladiatorship n. The conduct, state, or art of a gladiator.
GLADIATORSHIP n. the state of being a gladiator.
GLADIATORSHIPSgladiatorships n. Plural of gladiatorship.
GLADIATORSHIP n. the state of being a gladiator.
GLADIATORYgladiatory adj. (Archaic) gladiatorial.
GLADIATORY adj. (obsolete) of or like a gladiator, also GLADIATORIAL, GLADIATORIAN.
IRRADIATORirradiator n. A device used to irradiate.
IRRADIATOR n. something or someone that irradiates.
IRRADIATORSirradiators n. Plural of irradiator.
IRRADIATOR n. something or someone that irradiates.
RADIATORradiator n. Anything which radiates or emits rays.
radiator n. (Automotive) A device that lowers engine coolant temperature by conducting heat to the air, through metal fins.
radiator n. (Of buildings) A finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room.
RADIATORSradiators n. Plural of radiator.
RADIATOR n. a heating device.
RADIATORYradiatory adj. Radiating.
RADIATORY adj. relating to radiation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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