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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing ACKING

ATTACKINGattacking adj. Carrying out an attack.
attacking v. Present participle of attack.
ATTACK v. to set upon violently.
BLACKINGSblackings n. Plural of blacking.
BLACKING n. a black shoe polish.
CHIACKINGchiacking v. Present participle of chiack.
CHIACKING n. the act of teasing, deriding.
CHYACKINGchyacking v. Present participle of chyack.
CHYACK v. (Australian slang) to tease, deride, also CHIACK.
CRACKINGScrackings n. Plural of cracking.
CRACKING n. a chemical process.
FRACKINGSfrackings n. Plural of fracking.
FRACKING n. the process of forcing liquid containing sand or other material into the strata round a well bottom to split them and prevent them closing.
HIJACKINGhijacking v. Present participle of hijack.
hijacking n. The act of one who hijacks; the seizure of vehicles.
hijacking n. The instance of such an act; the seizure of a vehicle.
RACKINGLYrackingly adv. So as to cause suffering.
RACKING adv. tormenting, exhausting.
REBACKINGrebacking v. Present participle of reback.
rebacking n. The process by which a book is rebacked.
REBACK v. to replace the back of.
REPACKINGrepacking v. Present participle of repack.
repacking n. The process of packing something again or anew.
REPACK v. to pack again.
RERACKINGreracking v. Present participle of rerack.
RERACK v. to rack again.
RETACKINGretacking v. Present participle of retack.
RETACK v. to tack again.
SMACKINGSsmackings n. Plural of smacking.
SMACKING n. the act of smacking.
STACKINGSstackings n. Plural of stacking.
STACKING n. the act of stacking.
THWACKINGthwacking v. Present participle of thwack.
thwacking n. The action or sound of a thwack; a beating.
THWACKING n. the act of thwacking.
TRACKINGStrackings n. Plural of tracking.
TRACKING n. the placement of students within a curriculum.
UNPACKINGunpacking n. The act by which something is unpacked.
unpacking n. (Linguistics) The separation of the features of a segment (such as a nasal vowel or palatal consonant)…
unpacking v. Present participle of unpack.
UNTACKINGuntacking v. Present participle of untack.
UNTACK v. to remove a tack from.
WHACKINGSwhackings n. Plural of whacking.
WHACKING n. a beating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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