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There are 15 seven-letter words containing APPING

CAPPINGcapping v. Present participle of cap.
capping n. The act of removing one’s hat as a token of respect.
capping n. (Geology) the leached upper part of a body or rock that still contains disseminated sulphide mineral deposit.
DAPPINGdapping v. Present participle of dap.
DAP v. to dip in water.
GAPPINGgapping v. Present participle of gap.
gapping n. (Linguistics) A type of ellipsis that occurs in the non-initial conjuncts of coordinate structures…
gapping n. (Anatomy) The formation of a gap.
HAPPINGhapping v. Present participle of hap.
HAP v. to happen by chance.
JAPPINGjapping v. Present participle of jap.
Japping v. Present participle of Jap.
JAP v. to splash or spatter, also JAUP.
LAPPINGlapping v. Present participle of lap.
lapping n. A kind of machine blanket or wrapping material used by calico printers.
lapping n. (Music, lutherie, bowmaking) Lengths of fine wire, silver, gold, silk or whalebone wrapped tightly around…
MAPPINGmapping n. The process of making maps.
mapping n. (Biology) The process of locating genes on a chromosome.
mapping n. (Computing) Assigning a PC to a shared drive or printer port on a network.
NAPPINGnapping v. Present participle of nap.
napping n. The act of taking a nap or short sleep.
napping n. The act or process of raising a nap, as on cloth.
PAPPINGpapping v. Present participle of pap.
PAP v. to feed with soft mash.
RAPPINGrapping v. Present participle of rap.
rapping n. The sound of a rap or knock.
rapping n. (Music) Musical speech accompanied by a rhythm, most commonly as part of hip-hop music.
SAPPINGsapping v. Present participle of sap.
sapping n. The act by which something is sapped or depleted.
sapping n. The act of excavating trenches.
TAPPINGtapping n. An act of making a light hit or strike against something.
tapping n. (Music) A guitar technique in which the strings are tapped against the fingerboard.
tapping n. The process by which a resource is tapped or exploited.
WAPPINGwapping v. Present participle of wap.
wapping adj. (Colloquial) Archaic form of whopping (“exceptionally great or large”).
Wapping prop.n. A district of London in borough of Tower Hamlets in Greater London, England.
YAPPINGyapping v. Present participle of yap.
yapping n. A sound that yaps, especially the continued barking of a small dog.
YAPPING n. a high-pitched barking.
ZAPPINGzapping v. Present participle and gerund of zap.
zapping n. The act or result of being zapped.
ZAP v. to kill or destroy instantaneously.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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