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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing ACKING

BARRACKINGbarracking v. Present participle of barrack.
barracking n. An act of jeering or heckling.
barracking n. (Australia, New Zealand) The act of cheering for or supporting a team.
BIOHACKINGbiohacking n. (Informal) The manipulation of biological functioning through, among others, genetics, nutrition and…
CARJACKINGcarjacking v. Present participle of carjack.
carjacking n. The violent hijacking of a vehicle and sometimes its driver.
car-jacking v. Alternative spelling of carjacking.
CHIACKINGSCHIACKING n. the act of teasing, deriding.
HIJACKINGShijackings n. Plural of hijacking.
HIJACKING n. the act of stealing in transit, also HIGHJACKING.
HOPSACKINGhopsacking n. Hopsack fabric.
HOPSACKING n. a rough-surfaced loose fabric, also HOPSACK.
LAYBACKINGlaybacking v. Present participle of layback.
LAYBACK v. to climb using the layback technique.
PREPACKINGprepacking v. Present participle of prepack.
PREPACK v. to package before retail distribution.
RANSACKINGransacking v. Present participle of ransack.
ransacking n. The act by which something is ransacked.
RANSACKING n. the act of searching thoroughly.
RESTACKINGrestacking v. Present participle of restack.
restacking n. The act or result of stacking something again.
RESTACK v. to stack again.
RETRACKINGretracking v. Present participle of retrack.
RETRACK v. to retrace one's steps.
SKYJACKINGskyjacking v. Present participle of skyjack.
skyjacking n. The kidnapping of the passengers of an airplane by threat of force. The hijacking of an airplane, especially…
SKYJACKING n. the sport of jumping by parachute.
TARMACKINGtarmacking v. Present participle of tarmac.
TARMAC v. to surface with tarmacadam.
THWACKINGSthwackings n. Plural of thwacking.
THWACKING n. the act of thwacking.
TICTACKINGTICTAC v. to use arm signals for bookmaker information, also TICKTACK, TICTOC, TICKTOCK.
UNPACKINGSunpackings n. Plural of unpacking.
UNPACKING n. the act of unpacking.
UNSTACKINGunstacking v. Present participle of unstack.
UNSTACK v. to remove from a stack.
UNTRACKINGuntracking v. Present participle of untrack.
UNTRACK v. to remove from a track, change course.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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