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There are 20 words containing AURIC

AURICauric adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Of or pertaining to trivalent gold.
auric adj. (Obsolete) Of, or pertaining to the ear; aural.
auric adj. Pertaining to an aura.
AURICLEauricle n. (Biology) Any appendage in the shape of an ear or earlobe.
auricle n. (Anatomy) Synonym of atrium.
AURICLE n. the outer projecting part of the ear; an upper cavity of the heart.
AURICLEDauricled adj. (Botany) auriculate.
AURICLED adj. having ear-shaped appendages or lobes.
AURICLESauricles n. Plural of auricle.
AURICLE n. the outer projecting part of the ear; an upper cavity of the heart.
AURICULAauricula n. (Anatomy) The external part of the ear.
auricula n. (Anatomy) A small conical pouch projecting from either atrium of the heart.
auricula n. (Palynology) A pronounced thickening at the corner of a trilete spore, beyond the end of the laesura.
AURICULAEauriculae n. Plural of auricula.
AURICULA n. (Latin) a species of Primula, or primrose, aka, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
AURICULARauricular adj. (Relational) Of or pertaining to the ear.
auricular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Pertaining to the auricles of the heart.
auricular adj. (Art, relational) Pertaining to a style of ornamental decoration, originating in Northern Europe in…
AURICULARLYauricularly adv. In an auricular manner.
AURICULAR adv. pertaining to the ear; spoken secretly.
AURICULARSauriculars n. (Zoology) A circle of feathers surrounding the opening of the ear of birds.
AURICULAR n. an auricular feather.
AURICULASauriculas n. Plural of auricula.
AURICULA n. (Latin) a species of Primula, or primrose, aka, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
AURICULATEauriculate adj. Alternative spelling of auriculated.
auriculate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having two lobes, often curved, often near the base.
AURICULATE adj. having ears or ear-shaped appendages, also AURICULATED.
AURICULATEDauriculated adj. (Biology, rare) Having ears or appendages like ears; eared.
auriculated adj. (Botany, rare) Having lobes or appendages like the ear; shaped like the ear; auriculate.
auriculated adj. (Zoology, rare) Having an angular projection on one or both sides, as in certain bivalve shells, the…
AURICULATELYAURICULATE adv. having ears or ear-shaped appendages, also AURICULATED.
BIAURICULARbiauricular adj. Having or relating to two auricles.
BIAURICULAR adj. having two auricles or earlike parts, also BIAURICULATE.
BIAURICULATEbiauriculate adj. Having two auricles.
biauriculate adj. Having two ear-like projections at the base.
BIAURICULATE adj. having two auricles or earlike parts, also BIAURICULAR.
CENTAURICCENTAURIC adj. integrating mind and body.
DINOSAURICdinosauric adj. (Rare) Dinosaurian.
DINOSAURIC adj. of or like a dinosaur, also DINOSAURIAN.
LAURIClauric adj. Pertaining to, or derived from, the European bay or laurel (Laurus nobilis).
LAURIC adj. as in lauric acid, an acid derived from laurel berries.
SUBAURICULARsubauricular adj. Beneath the ear.
SUBAURICULAR adj. below the ear.
TAURICTAURIC adj. of or relating to a bull, also TAUREAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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