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There are 13 words containing ATHEC

CATHECTcathect v. (Transitive, psychology) To focus one’s emotional energies on someone or something.
CATHECT v. to invest with psychic energy.
CATHECTEDcathected adj. Charged with mental or emotional energy.
CATHECT v. to invest with psychic energy.
CATHECTICcathectic adj. Of or pertaining to a connection that is charged with emotional energy.
CATHECTIC adj. invested with mental or emotional energy.
CATHECTINGcathecting v. Present participle of cathect.
CATHECT v. to invest with psychic energy.
CATHECTScathects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cathect.
CATHECT v. to invest with psychic energy.
INTRATHECALintrathecal adj. (Medicine) Delivered into the spinal canal (intrathecal space surrounding the spinal cord), e.g. a spinal anesthesia.
intrathecal n. (Medicine) An intrathecal injection.
INTRATHECAL adj. introduced into or occurring in the space under the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord.
INTRATHECALLYintrathecally adv. In an intrathecal way; into the spinal canal.
INTRATHECAL adv. introduced into or occurring in the space under the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord.
SPERMATHECAspermatheca n. (Anatomy) A small sac within the reproductive tract of some female invertebrates, such as insects, which…
SPERMATHECA n. a receptacle for storing spermatozoa in insects.
SPERMATHECAEspermathecae n. Plural of spermatheca.
SPERMATHECA n. a receptacle for storing spermatozoa in insects.
SPERMATHECALspermathecal adj. Of or pertaining to a spermatheca.
SPERMATHECAL adj. of or like a spermatheca, a receptacle for storing spermatozoa in insects.
SPERMATHECASspermathecas n. Plural of spermatheca.
SPERMATHECA n. a receptacle for storing spermatozoa in insects.
SYMPATHECTOMIESsympathectomies n. Plural of sympathectomy.
SYMPATHECTOMY n. the surgical excision of a sympathetic ganglion or other part of the sympathetic system.
SYMPATHECTOMYsympathectomy n. (Neurosurgery) The surgical cutting of a nerve in the sympathetic nervous system.
SYMPATHECTOMY n. the surgical excision of a sympathetic ganglion or other part of the sympathetic system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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