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There are 16 words containing ATATI

ACCLIMATATIONacclimatation n. (Rare) Acclimatization.
ACCLIMATATION n. acclimatization.
ACCLIMATATIONSacclimatations n. Plural of acclimatation.
ACCLIMATATION n. acclimatization.
CONSTATATIONconstatation n. The process of verification.
constatation n. An assertion; a proposition assumed for the sake of argument, an axiom.
CONSTATATION n. a statement, assertion.
CONSTATATIONSconstatations n. Plural of constatation.
CONSTATATION n. a statement, assertion.
DILATATIONdilatation n. Prolixity; diffuse discourse.
dilatation n. The act of dilating; expansion; an enlarging on all sides; the state of being dilated.
dilatation n. A dilation or enlargement of a canal or other organ.
DILATATIONALdilatational adj. Involving dilatation (or compression).
DILATATIONAL adj. relating to dilatation.
DILATATIONSdilatations n. Plural of dilatation.
DILATATION n. prolixity; diffuse discourse.
FLOATATIONfloatation n. Alternative spelling of flotation.
FLOATATION n. the act of floating, also FLOTATION.
FLOATATIONSfloatations n. Plural of floatation.
FLOATATION n. the act of floating, also FLOTATION.
NATATIONnatation n. The act or process of swimming.
NATATION n. the act of swimming.
NATATIONALnatational adj. Relating to swimming.
NATATIONAL adj. relating to swimming; adapted for swimming, also NATATORIAL, NATATORY.
NATATIONSNATATION n. the act of swimming.
SUPERNATATIONsupernatation n. (Archaic) flotation.
SUPERNATATION n. the state of being supernatant, floating or swimming above.
SUPERNATATIONSSUPERNATATION n. the state of being supernatant, floating or swimming above.
VASODILATATIONvasodilatation n. Dilatation of a blood vessel.
VASODILATATION n. dilatation of blood vessels, also VASODILATION.
VASODILATATIONSvasodilatations n. Plural of vasodilatation.
VASODILATATION n. dilatation of blood vessels, also VASODILATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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