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There are 7 words containing ATARR

CATARRHcatarrh n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.
catarrh n. A discharge of fluid associated with this condition.
CATARRH n. inflammation of a mucous membrane.
CATARRHScatarrhs n. Plural of catarrh.
CATARRH n. inflammation of a mucous membrane.
CATARRHALcatarrhal adj. Relating to catarrh.
CATARRHAL adj. of or like catarrh, also CATARRHOUS.
CATARRHINEcatarrhine adj. Describing the Catarrhini parvorder of primates (including humans) that have nostrils that are close…
catarrhine n. Any animal of this group.
CATARRHINE n. a member one of the two divisions of primates, including all the Old World monkeys, having a narrow partition between the nostrils, also CATARHINE.
CATARRHOUScatarrhous adj. Catarrhal.
CATARRHOUS adj. of or like catarrh, also CATARRHAL.
CATARRHALLYcatarrhally adv. In a catarrhal manner.
CATARRHAL adv. of or like catarrh, also CATARRHOUS.
CATARRHINEScatarrhines n. Plural of catarrhine.
CATARRHINE n. a member one of the two divisions of primates, including all the Old World monkeys, having a narrow partition between the nostrils, also CATARHINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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