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There are 11 words containing ASTAN

ASTANGAASTANGA n. (Sanskrit) a form of yoga, also ASHTANGA, ASTHANGA.
ASTANGASASTANGA n. (Sanskrit) a form of yoga, also ASHTANGA, ASTHANGA.
CASTANETcastanet n. (Music, chiefly in the plural) A single handheld percussion instrument consisting of a pair of concave…
CASTANET n. (French) a rhythm instrument.
ELASTANEelastane n. Spandex, lycra.
ELASTANE n. a synthetic fibre that retains its shape after being stretched.
PASTANCEpastance n. (Archaic) pastime.
PASTANCE n. (archaic) a pastime.
CASTANETScastanets n. A percussion instrument (idiophone) of Spanish origin, consisting of a pair of concave shells joined…
CASTANET n. (French) a rhythm instrument.
ELASTANCEelastance n. (Physics) An electrical property that is the inverse of capacitance.
elastance n. (Mechanics) The inverse of compliance.
elastance n. (Medicine) A measurement of the tendency of the lung, urinary bladder, gallbladder or other cavity to…
ELASTANESELASTANE n. a synthetic fibre that retains its shape after being stretched.
PASTANCESpastances n. Plural of pastance.
PASTANCE n. (archaic) a pastime.
ELASTANCESelastances n. Plural of elastance.
ELASTANCE n. the reciprocal of the capacity of a condenser, from its electromechanical analogy with a spring.
CASTANOSPERMINEcastanospermine n. (Organic chemistry) A pyrrolizidine alkaloid, found in seeds of trees of the genus Castanosperma, that…
CASTANOSPERMINE n. an alkaloid obtained from the seeds of the Moreton Bay chestnut.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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