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There are 15 words containing ASILI

BASILICbasilic n. A basilica.
basilic adj. Royal; kingly.
basilic adj. Basilican.
BASILICAbasilica n. (Architecture) A Christian church building having a nave with a semicircular apse, side aisles, a narthex…
basilica n. A Roman Catholic church or cathedral with basilican status, an honorific status granted by the pope…
basilica n. (Obsolete) An apartment provided in the houses of persons of importance, where assemblies were held…
BASILICAEbasilicae n. Plural of basilica.
BASILICA n. (Latin) a large oblong hall with double colonnades and a semicircular apse.
BASILICALbasilical adj. Basilic.
BASILICAL adj. of, relating to, or resembling, a basilica, also BASILICAN.
BASILICANbasilican adj. Of, relating to, or resembling a basilica; basilical.
BASILICAN adj. of, relating to, or resembling, a basilica, also BASILICAL.
BASILICASbasilicas n. Plural of basilica.
BASILICA n. (Latin) a large oblong hall with double colonnades and a semicircular apse.
BASILICONbasilicon n. (Archaic, medicine) Any of various ointments believed to have “sovereign” virtues.
BASILICON n. (Greek) any of several ointments supposed to possess sovereign virtues.
BASILICONSbasilicons n. Plural of basilicon.
BASILICON n. (Greek) any of several ointments supposed to possess sovereign virtues.
BASILISKbasilisk n. A mythical snake-like dragon, so venomous that even its gaze was deadly.
basilisk n. (Science fiction) An infohazard or cognitohazard, especially a Langford’s basilisk.
basilisk n. (Heraldry) A type of dragon used in heraldry.
BASILISKSbasilisks n. Plural of basilisk.
BASILISK n. a harmless crested lizard of Central America; also, a legendary lizard/serpent with lethal breath and glance.
BRASILINbrasilin n. Alternative form of brazilin.
BRASILIN n. a dyestuff obtained from brazilwood, also BRASILEIN, BRAZILEIN, BRAZILIN.
BRASILINSBRASILIN n. a dyestuff obtained from brazilwood, also BRASILEIN, BRAZILEIN, BRAZILIN.
METASILICATEmetasilicate n. (Inorganic chemistry) The oxyanion of silicon SiO32- or any salt or mineral containing this ion.
METASILICATE n. a salt of metasilicic acid.
METASILICATESmetasilicates n. Plural of metasilicate.
METASILICATE n. a salt of metasilicic acid.
METASILICICmetasilicic adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Relating to metasilicic acid or its derivatives.
METASILICIC adj. applied to an acid (H2SiO3).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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