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There are 19 words containing ARRIV

ARRIVALarrival n. The act of arriving (reaching a certain place).
arrival n. The fact of reaching a particular point in time.
arrival n. The fact of beginning to occur; the initial phase of something.
ARRIVALSarrivals n. Plural of arrival.
ARRIVAL n. the act of arriving.
ARRIVANCEarrivance n. (Obsolete) Arrival.
ARRIVANCE n. (Shakespeare) company arriving, also ARRIVANCY.
ARRIVANCESARRIVANCE n. (Shakespeare) company arriving, also ARRIVANCY.
ARRIVANCIESARRIVANCY n. (Shakespeare) company arriving, also ARRIVANCE.
ARRIVANCYARRIVANCY n. (Shakespeare) company arriving, also ARRIVANCE.
ARRIVEarrive v. (Intransitive, copulative) To reach; to get to a certain place.
arrive v. (Intransitive) To obtain a level of success or fame; to succeed.
arrive v. (Intransitive) To come; said of time.
ARRIVEDarrived v. Simple past tense and past participle of arrive.
ARRIVE v. to reach a destination.
ARRIVEDERCIarrivederci interj. (In the context of Italy or Italian culture) farewell, goodbye, see you later (non-definitive farewell).
arrivederci n. An Italian farewell by saying "arrivederci".
ARRIVEDERCI interj. (Italian) goodbye.
ARRIVERarriver n. One who arrives; usually, one who arrives in a specified way.
ARRIVER n. one who arrives.
ARRIVERSarrivers n. Plural of arriver.
ARRIVER n. one who arrives.
ARRIVESarrives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of arrive.
ARRIVE v. to reach a destination.
ARRIVINGarriving v. Present participle of arrive.
ARRIVE v. to reach a destination.
ARRIVISMEarrivisme n. (Sociology) The state or behaviour of an arriviste.
ARRIVISME n. (French) the state of being an arriviste, an upstart.
ARRIVISMESARRIVISME n. (French) the state of being an arriviste, an upstart.
ARRIVISTEarriviste n. (Derogatory) An upstart or newcomer; nouveau riche; parvenu; an ambitious, brash or arrogant person…
ARRIVISTE n. (French) one that is a new and uncertain arrival (as in social position or artistic endeavor).
ARRIVISTESarrivistes n. Plural of arriviste.
ARRIVISTE n. (French) one that is a new and uncertain arrival (as in social position or artistic endeavor).
NONARRIVALnonarrival n. Failure to arrive.
non-arrival n. Alternative form of nonarrival.
NONARRIVAL n. a failure to arrival.
NONARRIVALSnonarrivals n. Plural of nonarrival.
non-arrivals n. Plural of non-arrival.
NONARRIVAL n. a failure to arrival.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 143 words
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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