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There are 10 words containing ARMIL

ARMILarmil n. Alternative form of armill.
ARMIL n. a bracelet, also ARMILLA.
ARMILSarmils n. Plural of armil.
ARMIL n. a bracelet, also ARMILLA.
ARMILLAarmilla n. (Ancient Rome) An armband awarded as a military decoration in Ancient Rome.
armilla n. (Zoology) A ring of hair or feathers on the legs.
armilla n. (Astronomy) Alternative form of armill.
BARMILYbarmily adv. In a barmy manner.
BARMY adv. foamy, dotty, also BARMIE.
ARMILLAEarmillae n. Plural of armilla.
ARMILLA n. (Latin) a bracelet, also ARMIL.
ARMILLASarmillas n. Plural of armilla.
ARMILLA n. (Latin) a bracelet, also ARMIL.
SMARMILYsmarmily adv. In a smarmy manner.
SMARMY adv. oily, ingratiating, also SMALMY.
ARMILLARYarmillary adj. Resembling a bracelet or armilla; consisting of rings or circles.
ARMILLARY adj. of bracelets or hoops.
ARMILLARIAarmillaria n. Any of the genus Armillaria of parasitic fungi; a honey fungus.
Armillaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Physalacriaceae – honey mushrooms.
ARMILLARIA n. any fungus of the genus Armillaria, the honey fungus.
ARMILLARIASarmillarias n. Plural of armillaria.
ARMILLARIA n. any fungus of the genus Armillaria, the honey fungus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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