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There are 17 words containing ARGAN

ALLARGANDOallargando adv. (Music) Decreasing in tempo; getting slower.
ALLARGANDO adv. (Italian) with slowing tempo.
ARGANargan n. A tree (Argania spinosa) of southwestern Morocco, particularly prized for its oil.
argan n. The fruit of this tree.
ARGAN n. (Arabic) a Moroccan timber-tree; its oil-bearing seed.
ARGANDargand n. An Argand lamp.
Argand prop.n. A surname.
ARGAND n. (French) a gas lamp named after its inventor.
ARGANDSargands n. Plural of argand.
ARGAND n. (French) a gas lamp named after its inventor.
ARGANSargans n. Plural of argan.
ARGAN n. (Arabic) a Moroccan timber-tree; its oil-bearing seed.
BARGANDERbargander n. (Norfolk, dialect) Synonym of shelduck.
BARGANDER n. the shelduck, also BERGANDER.
BARGANDERSbarganders n. Plural of bargander.
BARGANDER n. the shelduck, also BERGANDER.
GARGANEYgarganey n. A small dabbling duck, Anas querquedula, that breeds in much of Europe and western Asia, and winters in Africa.
GARGANEY n. (Italian) a kind of teal.
GARGANEYSgarganeys n. Plural of garganey.
GARGANEY n. (Italian) a kind of teal.
GARGANTUAGARGANTUA n. a monster in a Japanese film.
GARGANTUANgargantuan adj. Huge; immense; tremendous.
gargantuan adj. (Obsolete) Of the giant Gargantua or his appetite.
Gargantuan adj. Alternative letter-case form of gargantuan.
GARGANTUASGARGANTUA n. a monster in a Japanese film.
LARGANDOlargando adv. (Music) (To be played) gradually slower and broader.
LARGANDO adj. (Italian) becoming gradually slower (music).
PARGANApargana n. (India) An administrative unit of India, consisting of a number of villages. Since Indian independence…
PARGANA n. (Hindi) a division of an administrative district or zillah in India, also PERGUNNAH.
PARGANASparganas n. Plural of pargana.
PARGANA n. (Hindi) a division of an administrative district or zillah in India, also PERGUNNAH.
SPARGANIUMsparganium n. (Botany) Any of the plants of the genus Sparganium.
Sparganium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Typhaceae – the bur-reeds.
SPARGANIUM n. a plant of the bur-reed genus.
SPARGANIUMSsparganiums n. Plural of sparganium.
SPARGANIUM n. a plant of the bur-reed genus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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