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There are 18 words containing ARCHO

ARCHOLOGIESarchologies n. Plural of archology.
ARCHOLOGY n. the science of the origins of government.
ARCHOLOGYarchology n. The study of the origins of things.
archology n. The science of government.
ARCHOLOGY n. the science of the origins of government.
ARCHONarchon n. A chief magistrate of ancient Athens.
archon n. A person who claims the right to rule, or to exercise power or sovereign authority over other human beings.
archon n. A ruler, head of state or other leader.
ARCHONSarchons n. Plural of archon.
ARCHON n. the chief magistrate of ancient Athens.
ARCHONSHIParchonship n. The rank or office of an archon.
ARCHONSHIP n. the office of an archon.
ARCHONSHIPSarchonships n. Plural of archonship.
ARCHONSHIP n. the office of an archon.
ARCHONTATEarchontate n. The office or position of an archon.
ARCHONTATE n. an archon's term of office.
ARCHONTATESarchontates n. Plural of archontate.
ARCHONTATE n. an archon's term of office.
ARCHONTICarchontic adj. Of or relating to an archon.
Archontic adj. (Historical) Pertaining to a Gnostic group or sect prominent in late antique Egypt.
Archontic n. (Historical) A member of this group.
ARCHOPLASMarchoplasm n. (Cytology, dated) The substance from which attraction spheres develop in mitotic cell division, and…
ARCHOPLASM n. the protoplasmic material surrounding the centrosome, formerly thought to be involved in the formation of the asters and spindle during mitosis, also ARCHIPLASM.
ARCHOPLASMICARCHOPLASMIC adj. relating to archoplasm, the protoplasmic material surrounding the centrosome.
ARCHOPLASMSarchoplasms n. Plural of archoplasm.
ARCHOPLASM n. the protoplasmic material surrounding the centrosome, formerly thought to be involved in the formation of the asters and spindle during mitosis, also ARCHIPLASM.
ARCHOSAURarchosaur n. A reptile of the taxon Archosauria, which includes the extinct dinosaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and…
ARCHOSAUR n. any of a subclass of reptiles comprising pterosaurs, dinosaurs and crocodilians.
ARCHOSAURIANarchosaurian n. An archosaur.
ARCHOSAURIAN n. any of a subclass of reptiles comprising pterosaurs, dinosaurs and crocodilians, also ARCHOSAUR.
ARCHOSAURIANSarchosaurians n. Plural of archosaurian.
ARCHOSAURIAN n. any of a subclass of reptiles comprising pterosaurs, dinosaurs and crocodilians, also ARCHOSAUR.
ARCHOSAURSarchosaurs n. Plural of archosaur.
ARCHOSAUR n. any of a subclass of reptiles comprising pterosaurs, dinosaurs and crocodilians.
METARCHONMETARCHON n. a nontoxic substance, such as a chemical to mask pheromones, that reduces the persistence of a pest.
METARCHONSMETARCHON n. a nontoxic substance, such as a chemical to mask pheromones, that reduces the persistence of a pest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 132 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 68 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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