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There are 9 words containing ARALE

PARALEGALparalegal n. (Law) One who assists a lawyer in routine legal work, but who is without qualified status as a solicitor…
PARALEGAL adj. assisting a professional lawyer.
PARALEGAL n. a person who assists a professional lawyer.
PARALEGALSparalegals n. Plural of paralegal.
PARALEGAL n. a person who assists a professional lawyer.
PARALEIPOMENAPARALEIPOMENON n. a thing added as a supplement to a main text, also PARALIPOMENON.
PARALEIPOMENONPARALEIPOMENON n. a thing added as a supplement to a main text, also PARALIPOMENON.
PARALEIPSESparaleipses n. Plural of paraleipsis.
PARALEIPSIS n. a rhetorical figure by which one fixes attention on a subject by pretending to neglect it, also PARALIPSIS.
PARALEIPSISparaleipsis n. (Rhetoric, linguistics) Alternative form of paralipsis.
PARALEIPSIS n. a rhetorical figure by which one fixes attention on a subject by pretending to neglect it, also PARALIPSIS.
PARALEXIAparalexia n. (Pathology) A language disorder in which the words or syllables of a text being read are transposed…
PARALEXIA n. transposition of words or syllables in reading, due to brain damage.
PARALEXIASparalexias n. Plural of paralexia.
PARALEXIA n. transposition of words or syllables in reading, due to brain damage.
PARALEXICparalexic adj. Relating to paralexia.
PARALEXIC adj. relating to paralexia, transposition of words or syllables in reading, due to brain damage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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