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There are 13 words containing ARADE

PARADEparade n. An organized display of a group of people, particularly.
parade n. A place reserved for such displays, particularly.
parade n. The people who make up such a display, particularly.
CHARADEcharade n. (Literature, archaic) A genre of riddles where the clues to the answer are descriptions or puns on its…
charade n. (Uncommon) A single round of the game charades, an acted form of the earlier riddles.
charade n. (Obsolete) A play resembling the game charades, particularly due to poor acting.
PARADEDparaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of parade.
PARADE v. to march in a public procession.
PARADERparader n. A person who parades things, or takes part in a parade.
PARADER n. one who parades.
PARADESparades n. Plural of parade.
parades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of parade.
PARADE v. to march in a public procession.
BIGARADEbigarade n. (Archaic) The bitter orange (fruit).
BIGARADE n. (French) a bitter Seville orange.
CHARADEScharades n. Plural of charade.
charades n. A game in which each player acts out a word or phrase, usually based on puns of each syllable and without…
CHARADE n. (French) a written or (now usually) acted clue from which a syllable of a word or a complete word is to be guessed.
PARADERSparaders n. Plural of parader.
PARADER n. one who parades.
BIGARADESbigarades n. Plural of bigarade.
BIGARADE n. (French) a bitter Seville orange.
FANFARADEfanfarade n. Synonym of fanfare (“flourish of trumpets or horns”).
FANFARADE n. (French) a fanfare.
FANFARADESfanfarades n. Plural of fanfarade.
FANFARADE n. (French) a fanfare.
CAMARADERIEcamaraderie n. Close friendship in a group of friends or teammates.
camaraderie n. A spirit of familiarity and closeness.
CAMARADERIE n. (French) friendship.
CAMARADERIEScamaraderies n. Plural of camaraderie.
CAMARADERIE n. (French) friendship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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