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There are 14 words containing ARABE

ARABESKarabesk n. Obsolete form of arabesque.
ARABESK n. a design of intertwined floral figures.
ARABESKSarabesks n. Plural of arabesk.
ARABESK n. a design of intertwined floral figures.
ARABESQUEarabesque n. (Art, architecture, also attributively) An elaborate design of intertwined floral figures or complex…
arabesque n. (Music) An ornate composition, especially for the piano.
arabesque n. (Ballet) A dance position in which the dancer stands on one leg, with the other raised backwards, and…
ARABESQUEDarabesqued adj. (Art) Patterned with arabesques.
ARABESQUED adj. ornamented in the style of arabesque.
ARABESQUESarabesques n. Plural of arabesque.
ARABESQUE n. a movement in dancing; a curve, also ARABESK.
CLARABELLAclarabella n. A wooden organ stop that emulates the sound of a flute.
CLARABELLA n. an organ stop having a sweet fluty tone, also CLARIBELLA.
CLARABELLASclarabellas n. Plural of clarabella.
CLARABELLA n. an organ stop having a sweet fluty tone, also CLARIBELLA.
PARABEMAparabema n. (Architecture) In Byzantine ecclesiastical architecture, the chapel of the prothesis or the diaconicon…
PARABEMA n. (Greek) in Byzantine architecture, a chapel walled off from the bema.
PARABEMATAparabemata n. Plural of parabema.
PARABEMA n. (Greek) in Byzantine architecture, a chapel walled off from the bema.
PARABEMATICPARABEMATIC adj. of or like a parabema.
PARABENparaben n. Any of a group of chemicals used as preservatives in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, wherein the hydrogen…
PARABEN n. any of a group of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
PARABENSparabens n. Plural of paraben.
PARABEN n. any of a group of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
SCARABEEscarabee n. (Archaic) A beetle.
SCARABEE n. (archaic) a scarabaeid beetle, also SCARAB, SCARABAEID, SCARABOID.
SCARABEESscarabees n. Plural of scarabee.
SCARABEE n. (archaic) a scarabaeid beetle, also SCARAB, SCARABAEID, SCARABOID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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