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There are 13 words containing APOSE

APOSEMATICaposematic adj. (Zoology, of a coloration or marking) That serves as a warning to predators, as of toxicity, especially falsely.
APOSEMATIC adj. giving warning, applied to coloration, odour, etc., of animals.
APOSEMATICALLYaposematically adv. (Ecology) In an aposematic manner.
APOSEMATIC adv. giving warning, applied to coloration, odour, etc., of animals.
EXTRAPOSEextrapose v. (Grammar, transitive) To move (an element of a phrase) by extraposition.
EXTRAPOSE v. to move an item normally positioned within a phrase or sentence to the end, to focus attention on it.
EXTRAPOSEDextraposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of extrapose.
EXTRAPOSE v. to move an item normally positioned within a phrase or sentence to the end, to focus attention on it.
EXTRAPOSESextraposes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extrapose.
EXTRAPOSE v. to move an item normally positioned within a phrase or sentence to the end, to focus attention on it.
INFRAPOSEDINFRAPOSED adj. placed below something else.
JUXTAPOSEjuxtapose v. (Transitive) To place side by side, especially for contrast or comparison.
JUXTAPOSE v. to place side by side.
JUXTAPOSEDjuxtaposed adj. Placed side by side often for comparison or contrast.
juxtaposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of juxtapose.
JUXTAPOSE v. to place side by side.
JUXTAPOSESjuxtaposes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of juxtapose.
JUXTAPOSE v. to place side by side.
SCAPOSEscapose adj. (Botany) Having the floral axis more or less erect but with only a few leaves or devoid of leaves; consisting…
SCAPOSE adj. bearing a leafless stalk.
SYNAPOSEMATICSYNAPOSEMATIC adj. having a warning coloration common to a number of dangerous species in the same region.
SYNAPOSEMATISMSYNAPOSEMATISM n. warning coloration common to many species in region.
SYNAPOSEMATISMSSYNAPOSEMATISM n. warning coloration common to many species in region.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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