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There are 12 words containing APOPL

APOPLEXapoplex n. Obsolete form of apoplexy.
APOPLEX v. to affect with apoplexy.
APOPLASTapoplast n. (Botany) The space outside of a plant’s plasma membrane through which water and soluble nutrients are…
APOPLAST n. the non-protoplasmic component of a plant, including the cell walls and intercellular material.
APOPLEXYapoplexy n. (Medicine, dated) Unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from a cerebral hemorrhage or stroke.
apoplexy n. (Informal) A state of intense and almost uncontrollable anger.
APOPLEXY n. a sudden loss of sensation and movement due to a disturbance of blood supply to the brain.
APOPLASTSapoplasts n. Plural of apoplast.
APOPLAST n. the non-protoplasmic component of a plant, including the cell walls and intercellular material.
APOPLEXEDapoplexed adj. (Obsolete) Affected with apoplexy.
APOPLEX v. to affect with apoplexy.
APOPLEXESapoplexes n. Plural of apoplex.
APOPLEX v. to affect with apoplexy.
APOPLECTICapoplectic adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to apoplexy.
apoplectic adj. Marked by extreme anger or fury.
apoplectic adj. (Archaic) Effused with blood.
APOPLEXIESapoplexies n. Plural of apoplexy.
APOPLEXY n. a sudden loss of sensation and movement due to a disturbance of blood supply to the brain.
APOPLEXINGAPOPLEX v. to affect with apoplexy.
APOPLECTICSapoplectics n. Plural of apoplectic.
APOPLECTIC n. someone suffering from apoplexy.
APOPLECTICALapoplectical adj. Alternative form of apoplectic.
APOPLECTICAL adj. (archaic) apoplectic, also APOPLECTIC.
APOPLECTICALLYapoplectically adv. In an apoplectic manner.
APOPLECTICAL adv. (archaic) apoplectic, also APOPLECTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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