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There are 20 words containing APOLI

SCAPOLITEscapolite n. Any of several mixed sodium and calcium aluminosilicates which also contain chloride, carbonate and…
SCAPOLITE n. any of a group of rare minerals, silicates of aluminium, calcium, and sodium with some chlorine, aka wernerite.
APOLITICALapolitical adj. Having no interest or involvement in politics; Disinterest in such matters.
apolitical adj. Having no political relevance or function.
apolitical adj. Politically neutral, unbiased, non-aligned, free from party politics.
NEAPOLITANneapolitan adj. (Food) Alternative form of Neapolitan.
Neapolitan adj. Pertaining to Naples, a city in southern Italy.
Neapolitan adj. Describing an ice cream combination of the flavours chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry in order. (Until…
PENTAPOLISpentapolis n. A geographic and/or institutional grouping of five cities.
PENTAPOLIS n. an alliance of five cities.
SCAPOLITESscapolites n. Plural of scapolite.
SCAPOLITE n. any of a group of rare minerals, silicates of aluminium, calcium, and sodium with some chlorine, aka wernerite.
TETRAPOLIStetrapolis n. A group of four cities.
TETRAPOLIS n. a group of four cities.
APOLITICISMapoliticism n. (Politics) Apolitical behaviour.
APOLITICISM n. being uninterested in politics.
NEAPOLITANSNeapolitans n. Plural of Neapolitan.
NEAPOLITAN n. a small rectangular chocolate.
APOLITICALLYapolitically adv. Done without political affiliation.
APOLITICAL adv. not political.
APOLITICISMSapoliticisms n. Plural of apoliticism.
APOLITICISM n. being uninterested in politics.
METAPOLITICSmetapolitics n. Metalinguistic talk about the analytic, synthetic, and normative language of politics.
METAPOLITICS n. the politics of politics, a method of analysing political ideologies from the viewpoint of other political ideologies.
PENTAPOLISESpentapolises n. Plural of pentapolis.
PENTAPOLIS n. an alliance of five cities.
PENTAPOLITANpentapolitan adj. Relating to a pentapolis.
Pentapolitan adj. Of or relating to the ancient Pentapolis of Cyrenaica in northern Africa.
PENTAPOLITAN adj. relating to a pentapolis, an alliance of five cities.
TETRAPOLISESTETRAPOLIS n. a group of four cities.
TETRAPOLITANtetrapolitan adj. Relating to a tetrapolis, or group of four towns; applied to the Tetrapolitan Confession.
TETRAPOLITAN adj. relating to a tetrapolis, a group of four towns.
APOLITICALITYapoliticality n. The quality of being apolitical.
APOLITICALITY n. the quality of being apolitical.
METAPOLITICALmetapolitical adj. Pertaining to metapolitics.
METAPOLITICAL adj. relating to metapolitics.
APOLIPOPROTEINapolipoprotein n. (Biochemistry) Any polypeptide or protein that can serve as an apoprotein by binding with a lipid to…
APOLIPOPROTEIN n. a protein that combines with a lipid to form a lipoprotein.
APOLIPOPROTEINSapolipoproteins n. Plural of apolipoprotein.
APOLIPOPROTEIN n. a protein that combines with a lipid to form a lipoprotein.
APOLITICALITIESAPOLITICALITY n. the quality of being apolitical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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