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There are 9 words containing APOCO

APOCOPATEapocopate adj. Shortened by apocope; lacking a final sound or syllable.
apocopate v. (Linguistics) To shorten using apocope; to remove the final sound or syllable.
apocopate v. (Linguistics, intransitive) To undergo apocope.
APOCOPATEDapocopated v. Simple past tense and past participle of apocopate.
APOCOPATE v. to cut off the end of a word.
APOCOPATESapocopates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apocopate.
APOCOPATE v. to cut off the end of a word.
APOCOPATINGapocopating v. Present participle of apocopate.
APOCOPATE v. to cut off the end of a word.
APOCOPATIONapocopation n. (Linguistics) A word formed by removing the end of a longer word.
APOCOPATION n. the cutting off of the last sound or syllable of a word.
APOCOPATIONSapocopations n. Plural of apocopation.
APOCOPATION n. the cutting off of the last sound or syllable of a word.
APOCOPEapocope n. (Phonetics, prosody, narrow sense) The loss or omission of the last vowel in a word, together with any…
apocope n. (Loosely) The loss or omission of a sound or syllable from the end of a word.
APOCOPE n. the omission of the last sound, syllable, or part of a word, e.g. mag for magazine, fab for fabulous.
APOCOPESapocopes n. Plural of apocope.
APOCOPE n. the omission of the last sound, syllable, or part of a word, e.g. mag for magazine, fab for fabulous.
APOCOPICapocopic adj. (Linguistics) Of or pertaining to apocope; lacking a final sound or syllable.
APOCOPIC adj. relating to apocope, the omission of the last sound or syllable of a word.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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