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There are 7 words containing ANTAM

BANTAMbantam n. Any of several small chickens, especially of a breed that is a miniature version of another breed.
bantam n. (Sports) A competitor in an age division between peewee and midget.
bantam adj. Small or miniature.
BANTAMSbantams n. Plural of bantam.
Bantams n. Plural of Bantam.
BANTAM n. a small variety of the common domestic fowl.
BANTAMWEIGHTbantamweight n. (Boxing) A weight class in boxing and other sports, intermediate between flyweight and featherweight…
bantamweight n. A boxer or other competitor of this weight.
BANTAMWEIGHT n. a weight category in boxing.
BANTAMWEIGHTSbantamweights n. Plural of bantamweight.
BANTAMWEIGHT n. a weight category in boxing.
GALANTAMINEgalantamine n. (Organic chemistry) An alkaloid, obtained synthetically or from various plants, used for the treatment…
GALANTAMINE n. a compound, originally derived from flowers, especially daffodils and snowdrops, used as a drug in treating dementia.
GALANTAMINESGALANTAMINE n. a compound, originally derived from flowers, especially daffodils and snowdrops, used as a drug in treating dementia.
TANTAMOUNTtantamount adj. Equivalent in meaning or effect; amounting to the same thing in practical terms, even if being technically distinct.
tantamount v. (Obsolete) To amount to as much; to be equivalent.
tantamount n. (Obsolete) Something which has the same value or amount (as something else). (attributive use passing…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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