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There are 12 words containing ANSON

CHANSONchanson n. Any song with French words, but more specifically a classic, lyric-driven French song.
chanson n. (Obsolete) A religious song.
CHANSON n. (French) a song.
CHANSONETTEchansonette n. Alternative form of chansonnette.
CHANSONETTE n. (French) a little song, a ditty.
CHANSONETTESchansonettes n. Plural of chansonette.
CHANSONETTE n. (French) a little song, a ditty.
CHANSONNIERchansonnier n. A book which contains a collection of chansons.
chansonnier n. A singer of chansons.
CHANSONNIER n. a cabaret performer of, esp. satirical, songs.
CHANSONNIERSchansonniers n. Plural of chansonnier.
CHANSONNIER n. a cabaret performer of, esp. satirical, songs.
CHANSONSchansons n. Plural of chanson.
CHANSON n. (French) a song.
MANSONRIESMANSONRY n. (Shakespeare) residence, buildings, also MANSIONARY.
MANSONRYMANSONRY n. (Shakespeare) residence, buildings, also MANSIONARY.
SWANSONGswansong n. Alternative form of swan song.
swan-song n. Alternative form of swan song.
swan␣song n. (Idiomatic) A final performance or accomplishment, especially one before retirement.
SWANSONGSswansongs n. Plural of swansong.
swan-songs n. Plural of swan-song.
swan␣songs n. Plural of swan song.
TRANSONICtransonic adj. Just below, or just above the speed of sound (0.8 < Ma < 1.2 approximately).
transonic adj. Passing from subsonic to supersonic, or vice versa.
transonic adj. Travelling through a fluid (commonly air) at a speed where regions of supersonic and subsonic flow coexist…
TRANSONICStransonics n. The study of transonic travel.
TRANSONICS n. the range of speeds close to that sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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