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There are 17 words containing ANNIC

ANNICUTannicut n. Alternative form of anicut.
ANNICUT n. (Tamil) a dam or mole made in the course of a stream for the purpose of regulating the flow of a system of irrigation, also ANICUT.
ANNICUTSannicuts n. Plural of annicut.
ANNICUT n. (Tamil) a dam or mole made in the course of a stream for the purpose of regulating the flow of a system of irrigation, also ANICUT.
PANNICKPANNICK n. any grass of the genus Panicum, that includes millet, also PANICK, PANICUM.
PANNICKSPANNICK n. any grass of the genus Panicum, that includes millet, also PANICK, PANICUM.
PANNICLEpannicle n. (Anatomy, zoology) A membrane of tissue in the body of a human or animal.
pannicle n. (Obsolete, medicine) A pannus.
pannicle n. (Obsolete, rare) The skull.
PANNICLESpannicles n. Plural of pannicle.
PANNICLE n. a thin, sheetlike garment, also PANNICULUS, PANNIKEL.
PANNICULUSpanniculus n. (Anatomy) A dense layer of fatty tissue growth, consisting of subcutaneous fat in the lower abdominal area.
panniculus n. A thin, sheet-like investment.
PANNICULUS n. a thin, sheetlike garment, also PANNICLE, PANNIKEL.
PANNICULUSESPANNICULUS n. a thin, sheetlike garment, also PANNICLE, PANNIKEL.
STANNICstannic adj. (Chemistry) Containing tetravalent tin.
STANNIC adj. as in stannic acid, an acid containing tin its its quadrivalent state.
TANNICtannic adj. Pertaining to, containing, or obtained from tannin.
TANNIC adj. containing tannin.
TYRANNICtyrannic adj. (Dated) Tyrannical.
TYRANNIC adj. like a tyrant, also TYRANNICAL.
TYRANNICALtyrannical adj. (Not comparable) Of, or relating to tyranny or a tyrant.
tyrannical adj. (Comparable) Despotic, oppressive, or authoritarian.
TYRANNICAL adj. like a tyrant, also TYRANNIC.
TYRANNICALLYtyrannically adv. In a tyrannical manner.
TYRANNICAL adv. like a tyrant, also TYRANNIC.
TYRANNICALNESStyrannicalness n. The state or condition of being tyrannical; tyranny.
TYRANNICAL n. like a tyrant, also TYRANNIC.
TYRANNICIDALtyrannicidal adj. Of or pertaining to tyrannicide, or the murder of a tyrant.
TYRANNICIDAL adj. relating to tyrannicide.
TYRANNICIDEtyrannicide n. The killing of a tyrant.
tyrannicide n. Someone who kills a tyrant.
TYRANNICIDE n. the killing or killer of a tyrant.
TYRANNICIDEStyrannicides n. Plural of tyrannicide.
TYRANNICIDE n. the killing or killer of a tyrant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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