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There are 15 words containing ANNAS

ANNASannas n. Plural of anna.
Annas prop.n. Plural of Anna.
Annas prop.n. (Biblical) A Jewish high priest known for having four sons and a son-in-law (Caiaphas) succeed him in…
CANNAScannas n. Plural of canna.
CANNA n. (Latin) a tropical lily with showy red or yellow flowers.
MANNASmannas n. Plural of manna.
MANNA n. the food miraculously provided for the Israelites in the wilderness.
NANNASnannas n. Plural of nanna.
Nannas prop.n. Plural of Nanna.
NANNA n. (colloquial) a grandmother.
TANNAStannas n. Plural of tanna.
Tannas n. Plural of Tanna.
TANNA n. (Hindi) an Indian police station, also TANA, TANNAH, THANA, THANAH, THANNA, THANNAH.
GOANNASgoannas n. Plural of goanna.
GOANNA n. a large monitor lizard.
JOANNASjoannas n. Plural of joanna.
JOANNA n. (colloquial) a piano.
THANNASthannas n. Plural of thanna.
THANNA n. (Hindi) an Indian police station, also TANA, TANNA, TANNAH, THANA, THANAH, THANNAH.
CARANNASCARANNA n. (Tupi) a resinous substance yielded by various South American trees, also CARAUNA.
HOSANNAShosannas n. Plural of hosanna.
HOSANNA v. to shout with praise and adoration, also HOSANNAH.
RABANNASrabannas n. Plural of rabanna.
RABANNA n. (Malagasy) a kind of raffia fabric.
SAVANNASsavannas n. Plural of savanna.
SAVANNA n. (Spanish) a flat, treeless grassland, also SAVANNAH.
BANDANNASbandannas n. Plural of bandanna.
BANDANNA n. (Hindi) a coloured silk or cotton handkerchief or headscarf, also BANDANA.
PLATANNASplatannas n. Plural of platanna.
PLATANNA n. (South African) the African clawed frog.
POLLYANNASpollyannas n. Plural of pollyanna.
Pollyannas n. Plural of Pollyanna.
POLLYANNA n. one who is naively optimistic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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