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There are 14 words containing ANERO

ANEROIDaneroid adj. Not using or containing fluid.
aneroid n. An aneroid barometer.
ANEROID n. a type of barometer.
LLANEROllanero n. A plainsman; a South American cattle-herder or cowboy, especially in Venezuela and Colombia.
LLANERO n. (Spanish) an inhabitant of the llanos of South America.
ANEROIDSaneroids n. Plural of aneroid.
ANEROID n. a type of barometer.
HABANEROhabanero n. An intensely spicy chili pepper, Capsicum chinense.
habañero n. Nonstandard spelling of habanero.
HABANERO n. (Spanish) a hot chili pepper.
LLANEROSllaneros n. Plural of llanero.
LLANERO n. (Spanish) an inhabitant of the llanos of South America.
CAMPANEROcampanero n. The bellbird of South America.
CAMPANERO n. (Spanish) the bellbird of South America.
HABANEROShabaneros n. Plural of habanero.
habañeros n. Plural of habañero Alternative spelling of habaneros.
HABANERO n. (Spanish) a hot chili pepper.
CAMPANEROScampaneros n. Plural of campanero.
CAMPANERO n. (Spanish) the bellbird of South America.
PHANEROGAMphanerogam n. (Botany) Any plant that produces seeds (rather than spores).
PHANEROGAM n. a seed-plant or spermatophyte, e.g. the flowering plants and gymnosperms.
PHANEROGAMSphanerogams n. Plural of phanerogam.
PHANEROGAM n. a seed-plant or spermatophyte, e.g. the flowering plants and gymnosperms.
PHANEROGAMICphanerogamic adj. (Botany) That reproduces via seeds (rather than spores).
PHANEROGAMIC adj. like a phanerogam, a seed-plant or spermatophyte, also PHANEROGAMOUS.
PHANEROPHYTEphanerophyte n. (Biology) Any woody plant that carries its dormant buds openly on branches above the ground.
PHANEROPHYTE n. a perennial plant that bears its perennating buds well above the surface of the ground.
PHANEROGAMOUSphanerogamous adj. Phanerogamic.
PHANEROGAMOUS adj. like a phanerogam, a seed-plant or spermatophyte, also PHANEROGAMIC.
PHANEROPHYTESphanerophytes n. Plural of phanerophyte.
PHANEROPHYTE n. a perennial plant that bears its perennating buds well above the surface of the ground.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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