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There are 9 words containing ANDRE

MANDRELmandrel n. A round object used as an aid for shaping a material, e.g. shaping or enlarging a ring, or bending or…
mandrel n. A tool or component of a tool that guides, grips or clamps something, such as a workpiece to be machined…
MANDREL n. a bar of iron fitted to a turning-lathe on which articles to be turned are fixed, also MANDRIL.
MANDRELSmandrels n. Plural of mandrel.
MANDREL n. a bar of iron fitted to a turning-lathe on which articles to be turned are fixed, also MANDRIL.
SPANDRELspandrel n. (Architecture) The space (often more or less triangular) between the outer curve of an arch (the extrados)…
spandrel n. (Architecture) Horizontal member between the windows of successive storeys of a tall building.
spandrel n. (Architecture) The triangular space under a stair; the material that fills the space.
BRANDRETHbrandreth n. (Now historical) A tripod or stand for a cask, a haystack, etc.
brandreth n. (Obsolete) A railing around a well.
Brandreth prop.n. A surname.
ESCLANDREesclandre n. An incident that ocasions much disapproving talk; scandalous conduct; a scene.
esclandre n. (Archaic) Infamy.
ESCLANDRE n. (French) unpleasant notoriety; a scandal, a scene.
SPANDRELSspandrels n. Plural of spandrel.
SPANDREL n. a space between two adjoining arches, also SPANDRIL.
BRANDRETHSbrandreths n. Plural of brandreth.
BRANDRETH n. a stand of wood for a cask or hayrick.
ESCLANDRESesclandres n. Plural of esclandre.
ESCLANDRE n. (French) unpleasant notoriety; a scandal, a scene.
MISWANDREDMISWANDRED adj. (Spenser) strayed, gone astray.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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