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There are 9 words containing ANCET

DANCETTEdancette n. (Heraldry) A zigzag or indented line or figure.
dancette n. (Architecture) The chevron or zigzag moulding common in Romanesque architecture.
dancetté adj. (Heraldry) Deeply indented; having large teeth.
DANCETTEEdancettée adj. Alternative form of dancetté.
DANCETTEE adj. (French) of a heraldic line, deeply indented, also DANCETTE, DANCETTY.
DANCETTESdancettes n. Plural of dancette.
DANCETTE n. a zigzag line across a shield.
DANCETTYdancetty adj. Alternative form of dancetté.
DANCETTY adj. of a heraldic line, deeply indented, also DANCETTE, DANCETTEE.
LANCETlancet n. A sharp, pointed, two-edged surgical instrument used in venesection and for opening abscesses etc.
lancet n. A small, sterile single-use needle used to draw a drop of blood for testing, as with a glucometer.
lancet n. (Metallurgy) An iron bar used for tapping a melting furnace.
LANCETEDlanceted v. Simple past tense and past participle of lancet.
LANCETED adj. having a lancet.
LANCETSlancets n. Plural of lancet.
Lancets prop.n. Plural of Lancet.
LANCET n. a narrow, pointed arch.
PANCETTApancetta n. A cured belly or pork; bacon.
PANCETTA n. (Italian) unsmoked Italian bacon.
PANCETTASpancettas n. Plural of pancetta.
PANCETTA n. (Italian) unsmoked Italian bacon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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