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There are 9 words containing AMOND

CALAMONDINcalamondin n. A small decorative evergreen citrus tree, of the hybrid Citrus × microcarpa (syn. ×Citrofortunella mitis)…
calamondin n. The fruit of this tree.
CALAMONDIN n. (Tagalog) a small citrus tree, native to the Philippines; its acid-tasting orange-like fruit.
CALAMONDINScalamondins n. Plural of calamondin.
CALAMONDIN n. (Tagalog) a small citrus tree, native to the Philippines; its acid-tasting orange-like fruit.
DIAMONDdiamond n. (Uncountable) A glimmering glass-like mineral that is an allotrope of carbon in which each atom is surrounded…
diamond n. A gemstone made from this mineral.
diamond n. A ring containing a diamond.
DIAMONDBACKdiamondback n. (Common name) Either of two species of rattlesnake having a diamond pattern on the back: Crotalus adamanteus…
diamondback n. The saltmarsh terrapin of the Atlantic coast (Malaclemys terrapin).
DIAMONDBACK n. a kind of rattlesnake.
DIAMONDBACKSdiamondbacks n. Plural of diamondback.
DIAMONDBACK n. a kind of rattlesnake.
DIAMONDEDdiamonded v. Simple past tense and past participle of diamond.
diamonded adj. Having figures like a diamond or lozenge.
diamonded adj. Adorned with diamonds.
DIAMONDIFEROUSdiamondiferous adj. (Mineralogy) Yielding diamond.
DIAMONDIFEROUS adj. containing diamonds.
DIAMONDINGdiamonding v. Present participle of diamond.
DIAMOND v. to adorn with precious gems.
DIAMONDSdiamonds n. Plural of diamond.
diamonds n. One of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♦.
diamonds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of diamond.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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