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There are 20 words containing ALUMN

ALUMNAalumna n. A female pupil or student (especially of a university or college).
alumna n. A female graduate.
ALUMNA n. (Latin) a female graduate.
ALUMNAEalumnae n. Plural of alumna.
alumnæ n. (Obsolete) plural of alumna.
ALUMNA n. (Latin) a female graduate.
ALUMNIalumni n. Plural of alumnus.
alumni n. (Often proscribed) An individual alumnus or alumna.
ALUMNUS n. (Latin) a former pupil.
ALUMNUSalumnus n. A male pupil or student.
alumnus n. A male graduate.
alumnus n. A student of any gender.
CALUMNIABLECALUMNIABLE adj. worthy of being calumniated.
CALUMNIATEcalumniate v. (Transitive) To make hurtful untrue comments about.
calumniate v. (Transitive) To levy a false charge against, especially of a vague offense, with the intent to damage…
CALUMNIATE v. to slander; misrepresent; besmirch.
CALUMNIATEDcalumniated v. Simple past tense and past participle of calumniate.
CALUMNIATE v. to slander; misrepresent; besmirch.
CALUMNIATEScalumniates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of calumniate.
CALUMNIATE v. to slander; misrepresent; besmirch.
CALUMNIATINGcalumniating v. Present participle of calumniate.
CALUMNIATE v. to slander; misrepresent; besmirch.
CALUMNIATIONcalumniation n. A false accusation, or a malicious statement, about someone.
CALUMNIATION n. slander.
CALUMNIATIONScalumniations n. Plural of calumniation.
CALUMNIATION n. slander.
CALUMNIATORcalumniator n. A person who calumniates (slanders, or makes personal attacks upon, others).
CALUMNIATOR n. a slanderer.
CALUMNIATORScalumniators n. Plural of calumniator.
CALUMNIATOR n. a slanderer.
CALUMNIATORYcalumniatory adj. Containing calumny; slanderous.
CALUMNIATORY adj. of the nature of calumny.
CALUMNIEDcalumnied v. Simple past tense and past participle of calumny.
CALUMNY v. to utter false charges calculated to damage another's reputation.
CALUMNIEScalumnies n. Plural of calumny.
calumnies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of calumny.
CALUMNY v. to utter false charges calculated to damage another's reputation.
CALUMNIOUScalumnious adj. Possessing the traits of calumny.
CALUMNIOUS adj. containing or implying calumny; as, calumnious reports.
CALUMNIOUSLYcalumniously adv. In the manner of a falsification intended to discredit another.
CALUMNIOUS adv. containing or implying calumny; as, calumnious reports.
CALUMNYcalumny n. (Countable) A false accusation or charge brought to tarnish another’s reputation or standing.
calumny n. (Uncountable) Falsifications or misrepresentations intended to disparage or discredit another.
calumny v. (Transitive, formal) To make false accusations or levy false charges against a person with the intent…
CALUMNYINGcalumnying v. Present participle of calumny.
CALUMNY v. to utter false charges calculated to damage another's reputation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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