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There are 11 words containing ALTON

DALTONdalton n. (Physics) the atomic mass unit.
Dalton prop.n. A habitational surname from Old English.
Dalton prop.n. John Dalton, English chemist.
DALTONSdaltons n. Plural of dalton.
Daltons n. Plural of Dalton.
DALTON n. a unit of atomic mass, aka amu.
DALTONICdaltonic adj. Suffering from Daltonism; colour blind, especially red-green colour blind.
Daltonic adj. Of or pertaining to the chemist John Dalton, Daltonian.
Daltonic adj. Colour blind, especially red-green colour blind.
GALTONIAgaltonia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Galtonia of plants in the family Asparagaceae, native to southern Africa.
GALTONIA n. a bulbous plant of the lily family native to southern Africa.
REALTONErealtone n. Mastertone.
REALTONE n. a ringtone that closely resembles an original sound record.
DALTONIANdaltonian n. Alternative form of Daltonian.
Daltonian adj. Of or pertaining to John Dalton (1766-1844), English chemist, physicist, and pioneer of modern atomic…
Daltonian n. (Dated) A color blind person.
DALTONISMdaltonism n. Alternative letter-case form of Daltonism.
Daltonism n. (Medicine, pathology) Inability or defective ability to perceive or distinguish certain colors, especially…
Daltonism n. Achromatopsia.
GALTONIASgaltonias n. Plural of galtonia.
GALTONIA n. a bulbous plant of the lily family native to southern Africa.
REALTONESrealtones n. Plural of realtone.
REALTONE n. a ringtone that closely resembles an original sound record.
DALTONIANSdaltonians n. Plural of daltonian.
Daltonians n. Plural of Daltonian.
DALTONIAN n. a person affected by colour blindness.
DALTONISMSDALTONISM n. color blindness, esp. the inability to distinguish between red and green.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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