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There are 16 words containing ALLOS

HALLOShallos n. Plural of hallo.
hallos n. Plural of hallah.
CALLOSEcallose n. (Biochemistry) A plant polysaccharide comprising glucose residues linked together through β-1,3-linkages…
callose adj. (Botany) Having calli.
CALLOSE n. a part of a plant cell wall.
ALLOSAURallosaur n. Any of several huge carnivorous dinosaurs, of the superfamily Allosauroidea, from the late Jurassic…
ALLOSAUR n. a large, lizard-hipped carnivorous dinosaur.
CALLOSEScalloses n. Plural of callose.
CALLOSE n. a part of a plant cell wall.
ROGALLOSROGALLO n. a light and flexible hang glider wing.
ALLOSAURSallosaurs n. Plural of allosaur.
ALLOSAUR n. a large, lizard-hipped carnivorous dinosaur.
ALLOSTERYallostery n. The quality of being allosteric.
ALLOSTERY n. of an enzyme, the property of being allosteric.
ARYBALLOSaryballos n. A small Ancient Greek flask used to hold perfume or oil.
aryballos n. An Incan ceramic vessel with long neck, bulbous body, two handles, and pointed bottom.
ARYBALLOS n. (Greek) a globular oil-flask with a neck.
CALLOSITYcallosity n. (Countable) A callus.
callosity n. (Uncountable) A callous demeanour; insensitivity or hardheartedness.
CALLOSITY n. a hardening and thickening of the skin or bark, esp. as a result of continued pressure or friction.
ALLOSAURUSallosaurus n. A large, carnivorous dinosaur, of genus Allosaurus, that lived in the Jurassic period.
Allosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Allosauridae – theropod dinosaurs.
ALLOSAURUS n. a kind of dinosaur.
ALLOSTERICallosteric adj. (Biochemistry, of an enzyme) That binds a compound on an inactive site and thus changes macromolecular…
allosteric n. (Biochemistry) An allosteric modulator.
ALLOSTERIC adj. of an enzyme, influenced by a combination with another substance.
ALLOSTERIESALLOSTERY n. of an enzyme, the property of being allosteric.
ARYBALLOSESaryballoses n. Plural of aryballos.
ARYBALLOS n. (Greek) a globular oil-flask with a neck.
CALLOSITIEScallosities n. Plural of callosity.
CALLOSITY n. a hardening and thickening of the skin or bark, esp. as a result of continued pressure or friction.
ALLOSAURUSESallosauruses n. Plural of allosaurus.
ALLOSAURUS n. a kind of dinosaur.
ALLOSTERICALLYallosterically adv. In an allosteric manner.
allosterically adv. With regard to allostery.
ALLOSTERIC adv. of an enzyme, influenced by a combination with another substance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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