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There are 20 words containing ALLEY

ALLEYalley n. A narrow street or passageway, especially one through the middle of a block giving access to the rear…
alley n. (Baseball) The area between the outfielders.
alley n. (Bowling) An establishment where bowling is played.
ALLEYCATalleycat n. Alternative form of alley cat.
alleycat n. An informal bicycle race with checkpoints.
alley␣cat n. An urban feral cat.
ALLEYCATSalleycats n. Plural of alleycat.
alley␣cats n. Plural of alley cat.
ALLEYCAT n. a cat who lives in alleys.
ALLEYEDalleyed adj. Furnished with alleys.
alleyed adj. Forming an alley.
ALLEYED adj. furnished with alleys; forming an alley.
ALLEYSalleys n. Plural of alley.
Alleys prop.n. Plural of Alley.
ALLEY n. a narrow passageway, also ALLEYWAY.
ALLEYWAYalleyway n. A narrow street formed by the proximity of adjacent buildings.
alleyway n. A passage between two rows of cabins in a ship.
ALLEYWAY n. a narrow passageway, also ALLEY.
ALLEYWAYSalleyways n. Plural of alleyway.
ALLEYWAY n. a narrow passageway, also ALLEY.
GALLEYgalley n. (Nautical, historical) A long, slender ship propelled primarily by oars, whether having masts and sails…
galley n. (Britain) A light, open boat used on the Thames by customhouse officers, press gangs, and also for pleasure.
galley n. (Nautical) One of the small boats carried by a man-of-war.
GALLEYSgalleys n. Plural of galley.
Galleys prop.n. Plural of Galley.
GALLEY n. any of various kinds of ship propelled by oars or sails used in ancient or medieval times as a warship or as a trader.
INTERVALLEYintervalley adj. Between valleys.
intervalley n. A valley lying between other valleys, or between other entities.
INTERVALLEY adj. between valleys.
TOMALLEYtomalley n. (Cooking) The hepatopancreas of a crustacean.
TOMALLEY n. (Caribbean) the liver of the lobster, which makes a green sauce when cooked.
TOMALLEYStomalleys n. Plural of tomalley.
TOMALLEY n. (Caribbean) the liver of the lobster, which makes a green sauce when cooked.
VALLEYvalley n. An elongated depression cast between hills or mountains, often garnished with a river flowing through it.
valley n. An area which drains itself into a river.
valley n. Any structure resembling one, e.g. the interior angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes.
VALLEYEDvalleyed adj. Having a valley or valleys.
valleyed adj. Having certain type of valley or valleys.
VALLEYED adj. having valleys.
VALLEYSvalleys n. Plural of valley.
VALLEY n. a depression of the earth's surface.
WALLEYWalley prop.n. A surname.
WALLEY n. a type of jump in figure skating.
WALLEYEwalleye n. (Plural "walleyes") One or a pair of sideways-looking misaligned eyes.
walleye n. (Plural "walleyes") An unusually pale eye.
walleye n. (Plural "walleye" or "walleyes") A species of gamefish, Sander vitreus, native to the Northern U.S…
WALLEYEDwalleyed adj. Having eyes with a pale-coloured iris.
walleyed adj. Having eyes of different colours.
walleyed adj. Suffering from exotropia.
WALLEYESwalleyes n. Plural of walleye.
WALLEYE n. an eye in which the iris is pale or whitish, also WATCHEYE.
WALLEYSWALLEY n. a type of jump in figure skating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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