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There are 14 words containing ALLAC

FALLACYfallacy n. Deceptive or false appearance; that which misleads the eye or the mind.
fallacy n. (Logic) An argument, or apparent argument, which professes to be decisive of the matter at issue, while…
FALLACY n. delusion or error.
FALLACIESfallacies n. Plural of fallacy.
FALLACY n. delusion or error.
FALLACIOUSfallacious adj. Characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken.
fallacious adj. Deceptive or misleading.
FALLACIOUS adj. embodying or pertaining to a fallacy.
CATALLACTICcatallactic adj. Relating to catallactics.
CATALLACTIC adj. pertaining to commercial exchange.
HYPALLACTICHYPALLACTIC adj. related to hypallage.
PARALLACTICparallactic adj. Of or pertaining to parallax.
PARALLACTIC adj. relating to parallax, also PARALLACTICAL.
CATALLACTICScatallactics n. (Economics) A form of political economics based on the science of exchange.
CATALLACTICS n. political economy.
CORALLACEOUScorallaceous adj. Having the characteristics or qualities of coral.
CORALLACEOUS adj. like, or having the qualities of, coral.
FALLACIOUSLYfallaciously adv. In a fallacious manner, erroneously, illogically.
FALLACIOUS adv. embodying or pertaining to a fallacy.
PARALLACTICALparallactical adj. Alternative form of parallactic.
PARALLACTICAL adj. relating to parallax, also PARALLACTIC.
TROPHALLACTICtrophallactic adj. Relating to trophallaxis.
TROPHALLACTIC adj. relating to trophallaxis, mutual exchange of nutriment in symbiosis.
FALLACIOUSNESSfallaciousness n. The property of being fallacious.
FALLACIOUS n. embodying or pertaining to a fallacy.
CATALLACTICALLYcatallactically adv. In terms of catallactics.
CATALLACTIC adv. pertaining to commercial exchange.
PARALLACTICALLYparallactically adv. In a parallactic manner.
PARALLACTICAL adv. relating to parallax, also PARALLACTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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