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There are 14 words containing ALETT

CABALETTAcabaletta n. A short, rhythmically repetitive aria.
CABALETTA n. (Italian) a simple operatic song or melody in rondo form.
CABALETTAScabalettas n. Plural of cabaletta.
CABALETTA n. (Italian) a simple operatic song or melody in rondo form.
CABALETTEcabalette n. (Music) Alternative form of cabaletta.
CABALETTA n. (Italian) a simple operatic song or melody in rondo form.
CAVALETTIcavaletti n. Plural of cavaletto.
CAVALETTI n. (Italian) a series of timber jumps, adjustable in height, for schooling horses, also CAVALLETTI.
GALETTEgalette n. A type of flat, round cake from France.
galette n. Clipping of Breton galette: a crêpe or pancake made with buckwheat flour, and often with a savoury filling…
GALETTE n. (French) a round, flat, sweet or savoury cake.
GALETTESgalettes n. Plural of galette.
GALETTE n. (French) a round, flat, sweet or savoury cake.
MISSALETTEmissalette n. A small missal, especially one published periodically.
MISSALETTESmissalettes n. Plural of missalette.
MUFFALETTAmuffaletta n. Alternative form of muffuletta.
MUFFALETTASmuffalettas n. Plural of muffaletta.
PALETTEpalette n. (Painting) A thin board on which a painter lays and mixes colours.
palette n. The range of colors in a given work or item or body of work.
palette n. The range of tones or tone colors in a given musical composition or performance.
PALETTESpalettes n. Plural of palette.
PALETTE n. (French) a board on which an artist mixes colours.
PANTALETTEDpantaletted adj. Dressed in pantalettes.
PANTALETTED adj. wearing pantalettes, long frilled drawers.
PANTALETTESpantalettes n. (Historical) A form of long underpants with a frill at the bottom of each leg.
pantalettes n. (Historical) A removable kind of ruffle worn at the feet of women’s drawers.
PANTALETTES n. long drawers, usually trimmed with ruffles, extending below the skirts, also PANTALET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 74 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 438 words
  • Scrabble in German: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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