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There are 19 words containing ALEST

HALESThalest adj. Superlative form of hale: most hale.
HALE adj. healthy.
PALESTpalest adj. Superlative form of pale: most pale.
palest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of pale.
PALE adj. lacking colour.
LEALESTlealest adj. Superlative form of leal: most leal.
LEAL adj. (Scots) loyal.
REALESTrealest adj. Superlative form of real: most real.
REAL adj. genuine.
STALESTstalest adj. Superlative form of stale: most stale.
STALE adj. not fresh.
ARBALESTarbalest n. A crossbow.
arbalest n. A crossbowman.
ARBALEST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALIST, ARBELEST, ARBLAST.
BANALESTbanalest adj. Superlative form of banal: most banal.
BANAL adj. flat and uninteresting.
LOYALESTloyalest adj. Superlative form of loyal: most loyal.
LOYAL adj. faithful.
PALESTRApalestra n. Alternative form of palaestra.
PALESTRA n. (Latin) a school for athletics in ancient Greece.
SHOALESTSHOAL adj. shallow, also SHAUL.
ARBALESTSarbalests n. Plural of arbalest.
ARBALEST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALIST, ARBELEST, ARBLAST.
DISMALESTdismalest adj. Superlative form of dismal: most dismal.
DISMAL adj. sad, gloomy.
PALESTRAEpalestrae n. Plural of palestra.
PALESTRA n. (Latin) a school for athletics in ancient Greece.
PALESTRALpalestral adj. Palestric; relating to wrestling.
PALESTRAL adj. relating to a palestra, a wrestling school.
PALESTRASpalestras n. Plural of palestra.
PALESTRA n. (Latin) a school for athletics in ancient Greece.
ARBALESTERarbalester n. Alternative form of arbalister.
CENTRALESTCENTRAL adj. in the middle.
SPECIALESTspecialest adj. (Colloquial, childish) superlative form of special: most special.
SPECIAL adj. particular.
ARBALESTERSarbalesters n. Plural of arbalester.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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