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There are 18 words containing AINFU

DISDAINFULdisdainful adj. Showing contempt or scorn; having a pronounced lack of concern for others viewed as unworthy.
DISDAINFUL adj. full of or expressing disdain, also SDEIGNFULL.
DISDAINFULLYdisdainfully adv. In a disdainful manner.
DISDAINFUL adv. full of or expressing disdain, also SDEIGNFULL.
DISDAINFULNESSdisdainfulness n. The state or quality of being disdainful.
DISDAINFUL n. full of or expressing disdain, also SDEIGNFULL.
GAINFULgainful adj. Contrary.
gainful adj. Disposed to taking advantage of.
gainful adj. Troublesome; fractious; hard to handle.
GAINFULLYgainfully adv. In a gainful manner; profitably.
GAINFUL adv. profitable.
GAINFULNESSgainfulness n. The state or quality of being gainful; profitableness.
GAINFULNESS n. the state of being gainful.
GAINFULNESSESGAINFULNESS n. the state of being gainful.
PAINFULpainful adj. Causing pain or distress, either physical or mental.
painful adj. Afflicted or suffering with pain (of a body part or, formerly, of a person).
painful adj. Requiring effort or labor; difficult, laborious.
PAINFULLERpainfuller adj. Comparative form of painful: more painful.
PAINFUL adj. causing pain.
PAINFULLESTpainfullest adj. Superlative form of painful: most painful.
PAINFUL adj. causing pain.
PAINFULLYpainfully adv. In a painful manner; as if in pain.
painfully adv. (Informal) Badly; poorly.
PAINFUL adv. causing pain.
PAINFULNESSpainfulness n. The state or quality of being painful, of causing pain.
painfulness n. The state or quality of being tedious, of requiring great care.
PAINFULNESS n. the state of being painful.
PAINFULNESSESpainfulnesses n. Plural of painfulness.
PAINFULNESS n. the state of being painful.
PLAINFULplainful adj. (Archaic) Full of lamentation.
plainful adj. Plain; obvious.
plainful n. As much as a plain contains.
TRAINFULtrainful n. The quantity contained in a train.
trainful n. (By extension) A large quantity.
TRAINFUL n. as much as a railway train can hold.
TRAINFULStrainfuls n. Plural of trainful.
TRAINFUL n. as much as a railway train can hold.
UNGAINFULungainful adj. Not gainful.
UNGAINFUL adj. not gainful.
UNPAINFULunpainful adj. Not painful.
UNPAINFUL adj. not painful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 46 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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