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There are 14 words containing AGAMO

AGAMOGENESESAGAMOGENESIS n. reproduction by nonsexual means.
AGAMOGENESISagamogenesis n. Asexual reproduction.
AGAMOGENESIS n. reproduction by nonsexual means.
AGAMOGENETICagamogenetic adj. Of or pertaining to agamogenesis.
AGAMOGENETIC adj. reproducing by agamogenesis, reproduction by nonsexual means.
AGAMOGONIESagamogonies n. Plural of agamogony.
AGAMOGONY n. asexual reproduction in protozoans characterised by multiple fission.
AGAMOGONYagamogony n. (Biology) schizogony, or any other form of asexual reproduction.
AGAMOGONY n. asexual reproduction in protozoans characterised by multiple fission.
AGAMOIDAGAMOID adj. having the features of an agamid.
AGAMOID n. a member of the agamid family.
AGAMOIDSAGAMOID n. a member of the agamid family.
AGAMONTagamont n. A cell that divides by schizogony.
AGAMONT n. in protozoans, a SCHIZONT, a mature trophozoite about to reproduce by schizogony.
AGAMONTSagamonts n. Plural of agamont.
AGAMONT n. in protozoans, a SCHIZONT, a mature trophozoite about to reproduce by schizogony.
AGAMOSPERMIESAGAMOSPERMY n. the formation of seeds without fertilisation.
AGAMOSPERMYagamospermy n. (Botany) The asexual production of embryos and seeds.
AGAMOSPERMY n. the formation of seeds without fertilisation.
AGAMOUSagamous adj. Having no marital partner or pair-bonded mate; being neither monogamous (pair-bonded) nor polygamous.
agamous adj. (Biology) Synonym of agamic: asexual (of reproduction: occurring without union of male and female gametes).
agamous adj. (Biology) Having no visible sex organs; asexual or cryptogamous.
SAGAMOREsagamore n. Synonym of sachem.
sagamore n. (Politics) A high-ranking officer of the Tammany Hall political organization responsible for taking…
SAGAMORE n. (Native American) a North American Indian chief.
SAGAMORESsagamores n. Plural of sagamore.
SAGAMORE n. (Native American) a North American Indian chief.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 24 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 60 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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